Your result is...

Miss Enthusiastic

You are energetic, enthusiastic and love variety.

You make a powerful impact as a leader and are well respected. You are known for your ability to bring people along. You are intrigued by anything new and like to get in on new projects early. Work is a big part of your identity.

Your keyword: Energetic

You are extremely thorough and find yourself compulsively taking on new tasks. You are energized by new things to work on and anticipate problems before they occur.

Even if you are overloaded, you just love the idea of making a business impact so you compulsively take on new things. When you have a new project, you think things through and dream up robust solutions and ideas. You have great attention to detail and find great professional joy in technical, meaty tasks that require your input.

While you are really enthusiastic to begin with, your enthusiasm and interest can quickly wear off. And before you know it, your workload can be unmanageable. You mean well and care a lot about your role and the responsibility you have, as well as your team.

Your Big Challenge?

Sometimes your try hard nature makes it a teensy bit hard for you to keep everything under control. You work so hard and find it hard to switch off. And the scrunched up face you make when your team aren't on-board isn't serving you!

Keep reading for

3 simple strategies to take back control

1. Become aware of your behaviour. Look at your to do list and count the number of unfinished projects or tasks you have taken on. Ask yourself: Can you really afford to take on more? Imagine if you finished everything on your to-do list and had the satisfaction of completion- how amazing would that feel for you? Your biggest limiting belief is that you have to do it all. You don't.

2. Avoid making tasks more complicated than necessary. You have too much great work to do to waste time complicating matters. You will still make a huge business impact by giving yourself permission to go with your gut more often, rather than over analyzing. This is something I work with my VIP 1:1 clients on. You can find out more about working with me here.

3. Give yourself a break! You’re killing it in life and career! Celebrate and recognise when you’ve reached a goal. Reward yourself for tackling boring tasks by following with interesting ones. To allow you to be that strategic visionary, delegate later stages of projects to your team to ensure they are completed. There are team members who would love to get involved!

Self-leadership and leadership development


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