#60 How to Prioritise Your Workload Like a CEO

The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 60, 15 February 2023 by Lucy Gernon

Do you ever look at your to-do list and feel completely defeated?

Sometimes you have so many priorities, you don’t even know where to start, right?

The higher up the ladder you climb, the more that is on your plate in terms of responsibilities. This can get very overwhelming, very quickly.

Everything seems “URGENT”. And because you are leading a team, there are so many different aspects you have to oversee and deal with. It’s the end of year deadlines, it’s looking ahead at next year, it’s budgets, it’s headcount costs, it’s hiring, it’s getting clear on your strategy for next year. It’s meeting upon meeting when many could have just been an email status update.

As well as this, ‘urgent’ and ‘important’ are extremely subjective. So it depends, what you might deem as urgent and important is very different to what others might deem as urgent and important.

There’s just so much going on at any one time. It is hard to know what to prioritise when everything seems so urgent, right? You may have realised that something needs to change with how you’re operating, especially when it comes to your time management.

I was doing all the same things as you and I really had to rely on prioritisation and boundaries to make sure that I didn’t crack under the pressure. I was completely overwhelmed with workload. So I really had to get really ruthless with my time and start looking for the actual priorities.

So it involved having a few tough conversations with people, including my team who I knew needed me, but I couldn’t give them the time that they needed. And I explained exactly why. I couldn’t focus on their priorities as I had my own. And that’s something I’ve had to learn over the years is that, as a leader, you sometimes have to make those tough calls.

Today I am going to share with you a simple tool that will help you prioritise like a CEO. I call it the Powerhouse Prioritisation Matrix. This is super simple and super effective and guaranteed to help you prioritise like a boss. I have included the tool as part of a free work life balance guide  that I created for you which shares 5 strategies to help you overcome negative self talk and improve work-life balance.

Here’s the episode at a glance:

[06:47] How to prioritise when you can’t see the wood for the trees

[9:50] How to be more strategic and focus on tasks that will get you noticed

[10:57] A simple rule to determine exactly what you should delegate

[13:06] How to stop procrastinating and getting distracted so you get more done

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