#65 5 Strategies to Avoid Exhaustion During a Busy Period at Work

The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 65, 22 March 2023 by Lucy Gernon


You are not alone, my friend! Many women in leadership face similar challenges when it comes to managing the ever-increasing demands on your workload, especially during busy periods.

What prompted me to record this episode is that I too was struggling. I was in an extremely busy season in my business and it all felt like a lot. So I took a step back and did these 5 things so I didn’t lose my mind… and they worked!

In this episode of The Powerhouse Revolution Podcast, I’ll be sharing five simple tips to help you manage overwhelm at work and find success in both your personal and professional life. I’ve summarised them below in case you like to read but be sure to listen to the podcast to learn more.

Tip #1: Lean Into Support

One of the most important things you can do when feeling overwhelmed is to lean into support. Whether it’s finding an accountability partner, asking for help from friends, or joining a mastermind group, don’t be afraid to reach out for support. You don’t have to do this alone, and you’ll be surprised at how many people are willing to help you and cheer you on along the way. So don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for help.

Tip #2: Prioritise Self-Care

When you’re in a busy season, it’s important to prioritise self-care. Don’t wait until the end to take care of yourself, because you’ll be more productive, perform better, and feel better if you prioritise self-care from the start. Instead of locking yourself away and working non-stop, take time to do something for yourself.

Whether it’s getting a massage, doing your hair, or booking a nail appointment, make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Trust me, successful people prioritise self-care, and you should too. What is one action you could take today in order to prioritise YOU?

Tip #3: Lean Into Exercise and Nutrition

Exercise and nutrition play a huge role in managing stress and overwhelm. Make sure you’re booking regular walks, runs, gym sessions, or dance classes into your calendar. Taking care of your body will help you feel better and more energised, which will in turn help you tackle your workload with ease.

Tip #4: Lean Into Family and Friends

Don’t back away from your family and friends when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Instead, lean into them and get different perspectives. Realise that everything that’s going on in your world is not the only thing going on, and other people have their own challenges to face as well. Spending time with loved ones will help you feel more connected and grounded, and you’ll come back to your work with a clearer head.

Tip #5: Make Sure You Have Regular Breaks

Finally, make sure you’re taking regular breaks and have little things to look forward to. Whether it’s a coffee break, a movie night, or a date with friends, make sure you’re giving yourself time to recharge. Regular breaks will help you avoid burnout and keep you motivated and energised.

Getting over work overwhelm takes time and effort, but these five simple tips will help you find success and happiness in both your personal and professional life. Remember, you are a work in progress, and there is no need to be perfect. Just take these tips, put them into action, and you’ll get through this!

Here’s the episode at a glance:

[03:16] The number 1 strategy used by leaders to accelerate their growth and stay motivated

[03:57] The single most powerful hack you must know to stay energised and avoid exhaustion

[06:14] The key to avoiding burnout and unlocking your full potential

[07.25] How top performers stay balanced and engaged in all areas of life

[08:27] The secret to avoiding burnout and staying at the top of your game

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