Hello there lovely lady. And welcome back to another episode of the powerhouse Revolution Podcast. I am your host, Lucy Gernon. And today, I am going to be going down a little bit of a nostalgic memory lane. But the hope is that today’s episode is actually going to be supportive to help you. So as many of you will know, I worked in the corporate world for about 20 years, I worked in research and development, I worked in the food and beverage industry. I actually started out my career in solicitor’s office, there was a fun fact, I ended my kind of corporate days working for other people in the pharmaceutical industry. And since I’ve started my business, I swear like I just see things saw so differently. It’s like the distorted distorted lens, I can’t talk today. But the distorted lens in which I view the world, it’s like it’s been lifted. Because when you work for somebody else in an organization in particular, that’s complex, that’s multicultural, that’s, you know, an American multinational, in particular, because they’re usually the bigger ones, you become so at one with the company’s values and mission, you can kind of forget who you are. And I have invested so much time and energy into undoing my old mindset. By investing in cultures by taking extra trainings by investing in my professional development, I’m going to be doing a professional way, I’m doing a professional credential for my coaching now as well to level up my coaching skills, and I will continue to invest in myself, because all of this investment has just made me a better person, it’s made me I suppose, undo a lot of the old habits and old unconscious patterns that have been getting in my way. And that’s what I love. I love learning and being able to share the latest tools on leadership and mindset with my clients and my family and friends too. So I suppose I’m going to be talking to you today about seven things that I would stop immediately if I worked in the corporate world again, but it’s taken me a while to get here, right? Because when I worked in corporate, having a coach was so far off my radar. Like it wasn’t even a consideration for me because I thought it was purely for CEOs and famous people. And even though I had done coach training when I worked in the corporate world, like many years ago, we know we did a coaching workshop and things like that, I didn’t really truly understand the value of investing in myself. So when I started my business, and obviously now I’m an executive coach, and I’ve hired tons of different business coaches and mindset coaches and money mindset coaches and all of the things, okay. And what I noticed is, is that there’s this whole world of, I suppose success linked to coaching that nobody told me about, it’s like the world’s best kept secret. So we know that the coaching industry is like the second fastest growing industry in the world. Well, it was a couple of years ago, AI is probably like blown that up. But anyway, it’s a really, really fast growing industry because more people are starting to realize so if you’re here with me today, you’re already ahead of the curve because you are listening to me and I am a coach and today I’m going to be sharing with you seven things that I would stop immediately if I was to have my time and corporate again, so that I could build a life filled with success, balance and happiness where anything is possible.
So if you are multitasking come back to me because I am just about to dive straight in to point number one. So the very first thing that I would do is I would stop waiting for my boss to promote me or take my career in his or her hands. This is a mistake. I know that many of you make we do because we are conditioned into this hierarchical society and I believe I know for me it goes back to us as well. You know when your child you were I know I was certainly taught to respect authority. Do as your teacher tells
You be a good girl, you won’t cause any trouble. And when you kind of move into leadership, and you move into corporations, and even if you own your own business, you know, you can be like this with your clients as well. You’re waiting for other people to dictate your success. I have seen so many people who are literally waiting years for promotion to director level, a lot of women I see would get stuck at this kind of head of associate director level, trying to get into that director slash executive space. And it can be really, really hard. And it’s because a lot of the time we are waiting, I know for me that I suppose I always knew that I was going to be somebody quote, unquote, I always felt like I had so much more to give than what I was giving. And because I didn’t value that in myself, of course, I couldn’t see it. So that’s the first thing I would do is I would stop waiting for my boss to promote me or hand me an opportunity. And I would go and actively seek it out. The second thing I would do is I would stop being feeling afraid of dominant men. So I worked in the pharmaceutical industry, which is a very fast pace, okay. Anyone who works in pharma, you will know it is extremely demanding. It is an always on culture, it is a do less work more environment, because there are patients at stakes and people’s lives who are waiting for life changing products or products that are going to make their lives easier in some way, shape, or form. But let’s not be fooled, either these pharma companies are businesses, okay. And they’re obviously out to make money. It’s the same with the tech industry. It’s the same with financial services. It’s the same with every business, my own included. And I used to feel very afraid or intimidated by dominant masculine energy, not even necessarily men. But I especially I don’t know, I remember being a meeting so many times with certain people, I just couldn’t speak up. I just couldn’t say what I wanted to say when they were there. I felt like I was definitely nobody, and they were a somebody. And what I’ve come to realize is actually, I was always a somebody, I just didn’t recognize it in myself. So I would definitely definitely, definitely love to go back to that Lucy like 10 years ago, five years ago, and tell her you know, you have things to offer you do not you can make your own decisions. You don’t have to it’s not a man’s world. And you know, if you think there’s a boys club, where you work, you’re part of that club, you’ve just excluded yourself. So that’s the second thing I would say.
The third thing that I would definitely definitely stop doing is I would stop people pleasing. And I would take the emotion out of decisions for so so long, I was a good girl I was a Yes sir. No, sir three bags full. Sir, I didn’t want to push back. I sacrifice time with my family, I attended meetings I didn’t want to attend I knew weren’t value add at all, because I didn’t all my worth, it’s all because I didn’t, I wasn’t able to tap into the power that lives inside. I used to feel really emotional, then I would make a lot of decisions, you know, based on my feeling rather than actually putting my business hat on. So if I had to make a tough HR decision, it would really take it out of me. Or if my team weren’t happy, because I wanted to please them too, it would take a lot out of me. So again, if I could go back to that person that I was, I would be able to teach her so much in terms of how to stop people pleasing, how to take the emotion out of decisions, because actually, it all sorts of mindset. Everything starts with mindset. And then we get into tools and tactics. The fourth thing I would stop doing if I was to go back into corporate leadership is to stop feeling and thinking like I wasn’t doing enough. Can you relate to that? I bet you can. You seem like you work all day, but you get nothing done. You beat yourself up for not getting through your to do list. You get to the end of the day, and you’re looking at your diary and you’re like what did I actually get done today. And then you go home feeling like it’s not enough. And then the next day you wake up and you want to try harder, and you want to try harder, you want to do more, because you think if you just keep doing the work, somebody’s going to notice. But I have news for you, my lovely lady, and if you’re multitasking come back to me.
They’re not you are doing enough. Because if you are listening to my podcast, you’re most likely a woman leader in this world, you are trying to make a big impact. You are driven by your vision, your mission for what you want to make the impact you want to make in the world. So you aren’t doing enough, okay, that’s just your Saboteurs and your inner critic telling you that you’re not. So I would definitely definitely definitely work on my mindset to be able to shift my mindset if I was to go back to recognize that I was always doing
Enough, I just didn’t see it. The fifth thing I would do, and this is an important one is I would stop putting work before my own development. How many times have you prioritize work over a training course you wanted to do, or over a speaker you wanted to see, or something that you wanted to do for yourself. But you’ve told yourself, you’re too busy. There’s too much on at the moment, now is not a good time, when this is over I’ll, I can promise you with certainty that when you do that, you fall behind.
It is a short sighted strategy to put work first and keep doing the doing. Now there’s lots of ways that, you know, if you do want to put your own development first, you obviously have to make time for that. And that’s why there’s me to help you with things like that. Because right now, you’re viewing your calendar, and you are not seeing so many opportunities, because you are conditioned to think you have to go to this meeting, you have to do this, you can’t actually delegate. What if they get it wrong. When you drive yourself insane, I used to be exactly the same. So I would definitely definitely, definitely put my development first I would seek out mentors in my organization, I would invest in coaches, I would get crystal clear on my goals, I would like when I say personal development and professional development, it’s it’s literally about deciding what you want, and working out with strategies to get there and then learn the skills and tools you’re missing to achieve that. And then when you work with me, if you’re in my groups, or if you are in one of my private in my private one to one VIP coaching, it’s about carving out space for yourself to think and learn and grow. Because if you keep putting the business first, like what’s left for you, many, many of my clients come to me way too late. They come when they are burnt out. But what I’m noticing now, which is amazing is there is this surgence of ambitious, driven, family focused, career orientated women who are coming to me before they’re burned out, they are starting to realize actually, I don’t have to get to burn out before I need a coach, I can actually prevent that I can be proactive, I can learn tools to be a better leader, I can put myself first I can master my mindset, I can fight my demons, so I can unlock my potential. And I just wish that I had have known that back then things would have been so much easier for me, the sixth thing I would do, I would stop doing if I was to go back into corporate leadership is stop putting work before my relationships. I put work before everything, I would barely speak to people in meetings, I was straight down to business with my colleagues, a lot of the time it was transactional. It was all for work focused, I was so driven towards results, that I forgot that actually a lot of why we’re here on this earth is to create relationships, we are in this loneliness pandemic, it’s people are longing for connection, and you’re probably longing for connection, your colleagues or they’re just people around you who want connection to, but because you’re so focused on work, you are not nurturing the relationship. And that is so so short sighted because we know that you know, most organizations are looking for more collaboration, better cultures, in terms of their people working together, less conflict, that all starts with relationship building, you have two currencies, when it comes to your performance, right, your your what you achieve, you’ve got your performance currency, which is all the results. And then you have got your relationship currency. And the majority of people unfortunately, neglect the relationships. But if you look, look at those people in your organization. And if you’re multitasking, come back to me look at the people in your organization who have quote, unquote, made it or who seemed like they have a good network, or who seemed like they have, you know, got to a certain level and they seem like they’re killing us. It’s because they have prioritize relationships. But in order to do that, you have to be able to delegate you have to be able to trust your team, you have to stop micromanaging you have to be able to prioritize so that you can make time to make to build those relationships. And as well when it comes to relationships, you need to start putting your family and your friends before work. If you value family I know I do. I remember I sat down to do my values and I you know family is my top value work life balance would be probably my second and then we get into achievement and results and more so than money for me actually I prefer to achieve than to earn some people prefer money that’s up to you, but I just feel very fulfilled when I achieve things. And when I kind of looked at the way I was living my life versus where I was spending money
time, I’ve spent an awful lot more time delivering results for my company than I was spending with my family and friends. So I would absolutely, absolutely stop doing that if I was to go back into corporate leadership, and again, I would have needed a coach, I wish there was somebody, I wish I knew that there were coaches out there like me who can support you, because it would have been a game changer.
And then finally, the seventh thing I would stop immediately if I was to have my time in corporate again, is I would stop playing small. This is if there was one thing that I want you to take from today, it’s this, I want you to start playing small. Because if you’re ambitious, and you’re driven, anything is possible. I have proven that to myself over and over and over again in my business. And I was reflecting on what’s different now versus when I worked in corporate. And the main thing is different is that first of all, I have done a shitload of work on myself. Okay, I’ve invested 1000s and 1000s, in my business and then myself. But what I got from that was confidence. And what I got from that was certainty and who I am, and I want to play bigger, I want to achieve my full potential. But why couldn’t I have done that in corporate? It’s because I was people pleasing. It’s because I was afraid of what people would think it’s because I didn’t even research what other opportunities there might have been for me in my organization. I worked in quality for like two decades, I wonder what would have been different for me how they worked in learning development, or if I had worked in HR, or if I had have worked in some sort of a cultural people and culture role. I mean, I’m made for that. I just don’t want it anymore. But had I taken the time to, you know, work with somebody to figure all of this out and tap into my strengths, things might have been very, very different for me. So that is the seven things I will do a quick recap, and I want you if you’re multitasking, come back to me, I want you to see how many of these things are you doing. And then I invite you to begin to make a plan to stop these things. The first thing is to stop waiting for your boss to promote you start taking it into your own hands if that’s what you want. Second thing is to stop feeling afraid of dominant men and masculine energy and realize that just people just like me. The third thing is to stop people pleasing and to take the emotion out of decision making. The fourth thing is to stop feeling and thinking like I wasn’t doing enough, because I always was and you are to number five is to stop putting work before my own development. I really want you to stop doing that. Number six, stop putting work before your relationships be your colleagues, your family, your friends. And number seven, most important of all, stop playing small on your power, learn to unlock it. And the world is your oyster, my dear. So it doesn’t sound exciting. Doesn’t that sound exciting? Imagining actually getting control and expanding your leadership profile? Imagine strategizing with ease as a senior leader are carving out time property in your day to get things done, not people pleasing, not be on all the time. So you can coach your team better and have more time for fun. And if you’re like Lucy, I want this, I invite you to work with me. So I will be opening up spots very shortly if they’re not open already. So the best thing you can do right now is apply to work with me. I don’t just work with anyone. I only work with women who are driven, who are ambitious, and who are ready to actually make changes, who are committed to doing the work on and for yourself. Now. It’s only a couple of hours a month. So don’t freak out and say you don’t have time you do I can help you find more time. If you want to unlock your potential. If you want better work life balance. If you want to build a life filled with success, balance and happiness more than anything that you could even like imagine, I invite you to apply to work with me. I work with women in different ways across my private one to one coaching or my group. So the best thing to do is visit Lucy garland.com forward slash apply, answer a handful of questions and then we will come back to you within 24 to 48 hours with your next steps. And when I open up spots, you will be the first to know. So that is it for this week’s episode. I really, really hope you found it valuable. Please just think about those seven things that I mentioned. Please stop doing them because life is way too short. And if you’re ambitious and driven, you want to reach your potential now is the time and again if you are interested in working with me, or sorry, should I say if you are ready not interested to work with me. I invite you to apply so go to Lucy garden.com
Forward slash apply and I cannot wait to see your application coming through alright lovely lady I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day until next time take care Talk to you then