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#34 How to Be More Present Through the Power of Mindfulness With Niall Breslin (Bressie)
The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 34, 17 August 2022 by Lucy Gernon
Do you wish you knew how to be more present and switch off from work?
Switching off and being present with those you love is hard. Especially when you don’t have the tools to be more present.
When I worked in the corporate world, I was always on. It’s so hard when you work in a high-pressure environment with so many KPIs to hit, people to lead and clients to please, it can be hard to switch off and be present. That is, until you discover the power of mindfulness.
Mindfulness is not just about relaxation. It has far more power than that. It is the ability to live in the present moment, non judgementally. Non-judgement is the hardest part, especially for high-achieving human beings.
The new productivity obsessed the modern world – with its fixation with technology, and unrealistic life/goal expectations have conditioned your mind not to be present or mindful. This may cause you to look for validation.
Sound familiar?
Today, Niall Breslin shares his story and powerful tips to help you be more mindful and present in your life.
Niall is one of Ireland’s most formidable and inspiring mental health advocates and public speakers. He is a best-selling children’s book author, podcaster, musician, philanthropist and former professional athlete.
So buckle up, because this episode is jam-packed with life advice and golden nuggets to ensure you become more mindful and present. It’s a long one, so listen to this as you clean the house or go for an hour-long walk, so you are killing two birds with one stone!
Here’s this episode at a glance:
[03:40] What mindfulness is and isn’t and how to be more present
[08:10] The negative impact of being a high achiever
[14:00] The importance of knowing your team as a leader
[24:20] The single most powerful thing you can do in your life to be happy
[38:01] The impact of your childhood on your adult self and why it’s ok to ask for help
[42:00] How to stop looking for validation and let go of blaming yourself