#103 10 Must-Do Tasks Before You Log Off for Christmas As a Woman in Leadership

The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 103, 13 December 2023 by Lucy Gernon

Are you ready for Christmas Break? Here are 10 must do tasks so you feel organised and on top of things.

Family is one of my biggest values and Christmas itself has a particular place in my heart.

I absolutely love the season. I love cooking, having my family over, having my candles lighting, christmas movies..I love it all!

BUT before we get to the turkey and ham and the champagne..

Work needs to be finished!

That is why in this episode I am sharing ten things I do every year before I log off for christmas.

Everyone is tired, there are mountains of emails and tasks to get through and it can feel overwhelming

So rest assured these ten points are without a doubt going to help you to get on top of things without the stress so that you can log off with peace of mind this Christmas!

I have done the thinking for you – so here you go:

1. Prioritise Your Workload:

Make a master to-do list—a “brain dump” on paper—and note down all tasks, big and small. This provides a clear perspective of everything from holiday shopping to Christmas preparations, allowing for a stress-free run-up to Christmas without the last-minute rush on Christmas Eve!

PS – Need a handy tool for prioritisation? Check out the ‘More Time Prioritisation Matrix’, available in the Work-Life Balance Guide on my website, www.lucygernon.com head to the Free Resources tab, and access the guide for this valuable tool to help you prioritise effectively.

2. Prioritise Your Team’s Tasks

As the holidays approach, ensure that your team has a clear understanding of its goals and priorities. Change your thinking from to-do lists to results-oriented thinking. Communicate expected outcomes and priorities for the weeks leading up to and following Christmas.

3. Clear Communication

Start setting expectations early on by notifying colleagues of your availability during the break and your return for Christmas. Avoid being unprofessional by clearly communicating your finish date and using the “two steps ahead” rule for effective communication.

4. Delegation and Collaboration

In the final stretch, teamwork is crucial. Embrace the “two steps ahead” rule and prioritise tasks. Share this episode with your team or female leader colleagues to collaboratively tackle year-end tasks. Delegating and encouraging one another ensures a smoother transition, making the workload more manageable at this time of the year!

5. Say Thank You

Send personalised notes, cards, or emails to important individuals to express your appreciation. Take a moment to thank each member of your team individually; try writing notes or giving small presents. Making those who have helped you feel valued is a wonderful way to end the year.

You have now unlocked the first 5 out of 10 Must-Do Tasks Before You Log Off for Christmas Break!

For the remaining 5 (and I’ve saved the BEST till last) don’t miss Episode 103 of The 360 LeadHERship podcast.

Tune in for the full list!

Have a wonderful Christmas break!

Here’s the episode at a glance:

[4:24] Uncover the key to boosting your productivity at the end of the year with this ONE simple strategy.

[8:24] How mastering the Two Step Ahead Rule can revolutionise how you communicate with your team

[12:34] Discover the secrets to a clutter-free and organised New Year with these golden nuggets of advice

[17:49] A round up of the 10 Must-Do Tasks Before You Log Off for Christmas Break .

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