#101 The Journey From Burnout to a Dream Life of Success, Happiness and Balance with Suzanne Sheridan

The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 101, 29 November 2023 by Lucy Gernon

Do you ever wonder how some women seem to have it all?

If so, you are not alone.

A lot of women in leadership roles wonder how they can have it all while also keeping the balance and not burning the candle at both ends!

As women in leadership, it can be a constant battle trying to balance work, personal life, and family commitments. It’s like a never-ending juggling act, and it can leave a lot of women wondering if it’s even possible to achieve their dream career while still having a fulfilling personal life with balance.

Trying to do it all can often lead to burnout if you don’t have the right strategies and support in place.

Burnout can hit you hard and often out of nowhere, leaving you overwhelmed and wondering how you can begin to rebuild the pieces.

If you have ever experienced burnout or if you feel you are on the verge of burning out and wonder how you can support yourself but still achieve it all…then I have got something special for you in today’s episode.

I am thrilled to introduce my special guest – Suzanne Sheridan, who’s not just a client of mine but a rockstar in her own right.

She holds the role of VP of Commercial Operations at Thermo Fisher Scientific, specialising in laboratory consumables and equipment. She’s not only an accomplished professional but also an Irish working Mum of two young girls.

In this episode, Suzanne shares her own journey, exploring the challenges she faced and the lessons learned as she recovered from burnout and the strategies she now has in place to live her dream life.

Her story serves as an inspiration, a testament to the fact that it is possible to create the dream career and life that many aspire to without burning out in the process.

Whether you’re on a similar path or just curious about what it takes to achieve your dream career and life, this episode is going to show you how you can begin to do just that.

Here’s the episode at a glance:

[3:35] TWO Important Things to Avoid Burnout and Suzanne’s Own Journey Recovering From Burnout

[11:04] How You Can Manage Workload and Prevent Burnout

[15:34] Learn The Secret on How You Can Shift Your Mindset to Achieve That Work-Life Balance

[21:34] Why Having a Supportive Community Can Help You with Career and Personal Development

[27:47] Discover Why Investing in Coaching Can Lead to Accelerating Your Career Growth and Suzanne’s own experience

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