#102 The Importance of Investing in Yourself to Accelerate Your Career with Laura Harvey

The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 102, 06 December 2023 by Lucy Gernon

Have you been thinking about investing in yourself to accelerate your leadership career?

In a world of constant self-improvement and career growth, you might be at a point where you are considering investing in your personal and professional development.

Investing in yourself through working with professional coaches like me is often the key to advancing your personal and professional journey. It’s not about eliminating all your challenges or stressors; it’s about knowing how to control them so they don’t control you so you unlock your potential faster and easier than ever before.

This is where coaching comes in. Join me in this week’s episode of the 360 leadHERship podcast, as I have a special treat for you with an incredible guest, Laura Harvey, an Associate Director of Engineering at a leading American healthcare multinational and a valued member of 3SIXTY Leaders Club.

Rather than me sharing the transformational results I’ve witnessed our members make in a short space of time, join us as Laura shares her firsthand coaching experience with me including what she was sceptical of, why it took her so long to invest and the big reason she wishes she’d done it sooner!

If you’ve been thinking about coaching and hesitating to invest in yourself, this episode will be an eye-opener. Get ready to discover   how investing in coaching can accelerate you unlocking your full potential with confidence so you can build a life filled with success, balance and happiness.

Here’s the episode at a glance:

[1:39] REVEALED: The key to unlocking your full potential.

[4:39] Unveiling the tools you can start implementing NOW to improve your work-life balance fast

[9:46] How can coaches help you with accountability?

[19:05] What do you actually get when you invest in working with a professional coach?

[28:08] Discover the TRUE value of investing in yourself.

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