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#102 The Importance of Investing in Yourself to Accelerate Your Career with Laura Harvey
The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 102, 06 December 2023 by Lucy Gernon
Have you been thinking about investing in yourself to accelerate your leadership career?
In a world of constant self-improvement and career growth, you might be at a point where you are considering investing in your personal and professional development.
Investing in yourself through working with professional coaches like me is often the key to advancing your personal and professional journey. It’s not about eliminating all your challenges or stressors; it’s about knowing how to control them so they don’t control you so you unlock your potential faster and easier than ever before.
This is where coaching comes in. Join me in this week’s episode of the 360 leadHERship podcast, as I have a special treat for you with an incredible guest, Laura Harvey, an Associate Director of Engineering at a leading American healthcare multinational and a valued member of 3SIXTY Leaders Club.
Rather than me sharing the transformational results I’ve witnessed our members make in a short space of time, join us as Laura shares her firsthand coaching experience with me including what she was sceptical of, why it took her so long to invest and the big reason she wishes she’d done it sooner!
If you’ve been thinking about coaching and hesitating to invest in yourself, this episode will be an eye-opener. Get ready to discover how investing in coaching can accelerate you unlocking your full potential with confidence so you can build a life filled with success, balance and happiness.
Here’s the episode at a glance:
[1:39] REVEALED: The key to unlocking your full potential.
[4:39] Unveiling the tools you can start implementing NOW to improve your work-life balance fast
[9:46] How can coaches help you with accountability?
[19:05] What do you actually get when you invest in working with a professional coach?
[28:08] Discover the TRUE value of investing in yourself.
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Welcome to the 360 leadership podcast, the top rated show for driven women in senior leadership with new episodes released every Wednesday. I’m your host, Lindsey garden, a multi award winning executive coach for women leaders and the founder of 360. Leaders Club exclusive high level membership for career driven family orientated women just like you. I created the 360 leadership podcast to share practical tips, actionable step by step strategies, and inspiring stories to support you to unlock the power and belief within to accelerate your impact and potential. So you can build a life filled with success, balance and happiness. So are you ready to achieve 360 degree success? No more excuses. No more waiting. Your time is now. Hi there, and welcome to another episode of the 360 leadership podcast. I am your host Lucy Gernon. And today I am here with somebody amazing that I cannot wait for you guys to hear from so I am going to be talking to Laura Harvey today who is an associate director of engineering in an American multinational healthcare company. Now Laura and I have been working together for a number of months, we started off together in one cut one to one capacity. Laura is now a member of 360 leaders club. And I’ve also done some work in her company for her team. So I thought it will be really fun to bring Laura on the podcast to kind of share her experience and maybe to share some tools and things that she’s learned through working with me too. So without further ado, Laura, you are very welcome to the podcast.
Thanks, Lucy. Thanks for having me. Really good to be here.
I know I’m excited myself and Laura. We’ve just literally come off a call where I was on a train and her team all on the power of boundaries and mindset, which was really fun, wasn’t it?
Yeah, really good. Really engaged in session that we just have.
Yeah, yeah. So listen, like let’s just rewind first, right? How long are we working together to stage?
So I think we probably initially connected last summer sometime. So summer 2022. And then officially started working together January of this year. So January 2310 months? Yeah.
It’s been it’s been a while. So talk to me about like, originally, when you reached out to me, we were talking in summer, like you said, we didn’t start work together for awhile. So talk to me about why you initially reached out and what’s kind of stopped you from taking the plunge sooner?
Yeah, I guess like one, you know, coaching was probably a new source of theory for me anyway, I guess I’ve probably gotten to the point in my career where I was looking for something more to progress the development or I’m you know, self development with myself, but at the same time, I was probably struggling with you know, is it another, you know, is it more of a degree Master’s type area is it like actually a skill set, I want to develop like a knowledge base, I kind of knew I had areas that I needed to work on, but was probably finding it hard to match what that would look like in terms of a force or a session or whatever that might look like. And then I think Lucy, I kind of stumbled upon you on LinkedIn, you’d obviously been connecting within like my network or whatever that you had popped up on my feed. And it was then that I started thinking like maybe actually these one to one coaching that I want to do on you know, very personalized areas that I wanted to focus on. And so reached out to you, we did the one to one session, liked the sound of you know, everything that you were offering. Um, and then I guess I probably took it away for a while and rolled it over because you know, it is a big investment in yourself to start with. And I guess at that season, I probably brought it internally into the company to say like, look, you know, this was here as a massive development opportunity for me. I’m obviously hired to kind of you know, go back to a company and say this is tangibly you know, what I’m going to be able to bring to you know, my job or the company or the vision of the company going forward, but knowing that it was stacks for progression for myself really. Um, so yeah, once they were on board and you know, supportive of it I think it was kind of a no brainer then to to kick it off and see and honestly, I you know, definitely have no regrets and have a look back. Since you know, I’m obviously still connected with you on the the membership club as well. So still on the journey, I guess.
Amazing. Amazing. So let’s, let’s rewind a little bit, right. So, like Laura do is explain me like your background in terms of so you mentioned there and I hear this quite a lot like people are like, do I need a master’s? Do I need to do an MBA? Do I need to do something else? I’m really not sure what I want to do. Like you, you you’re an engineer, right? So talk to me about the shift you had to go through from paying Can about in like tangible, like, you know, degree certificate versus working with a coach.
Yeah, and I guess that’s like, you probably hit the nail on the head, that was the biggest part that I had to really consider. I’m, like you said, coming from an engineering background, and it’s all very analytical, it’s very data driven. Um, and I suppose in some ways, probably proud of myself for taking the leap, considering, you know, I hadn’t heard of anyone in my network doing something similar before. Maybe they hadn’t, they haven’t shared it. Um, but I was like, Whoa, like, what am I actually going to get from this, I’m a, what’s the, you know, the sort of like tangible skills, but then, I guess, after our, like, initial one to one and chatting through with you, you were kind of probably resignation in terms of like, these are all the boxes that I want to, you know, take or start looking at that, you know, it won’t be, this is exactly what I’m going to get at the end of it, like, this is the result. But at the same time, knowing that I was going to end up with a better form of myself, coming out the other side of it. So definitely, like, I think when I connected you, I probably took another three or four months before I like, you know, even like, had numerous conversations, like with my husband here, like my family, and they were all like, you know, like, what, what it actually you this, that you’re going to be doing? Um, but the more I thought about it, the more excited that I got about it. And I was kind of like, well, look, you have to go with your gut. And if there is excitement there and positivity for it, then you know, it must be a step in the right direction.
I love that. I love that. I hear that all the time. And so tell me then, like, you know, you mentioned something really powerful, which is that you hadn’t heard of anyone else in your network doing it, or maybe they hadn’t hadn’t told you. This is the thing about coaching, like coaching is like, I think it’s the third fastest growing industry in the world. And right now, really, the majority of people who would work with coaches like me would be C level executives. But what we’re really starting to see now in the coaching industry now is like, I didn’t even know it was an option for me, when I worked in corporate, I would have thought like, Oh no, that’s just for but it’s not it’s for anyone who wants to kind of improve themselves and be better. So going back to your tangibles. Like if you think about Laura, before we started working together, like what was what was like career and life like for you versus things now?
Yeah, I guess like, career, you know, definitely on the right track of where I wanted to be. I think I probably was being a little bit naive with my own mindset of like, you know, it was perfect, like I was on the career ladder, like making great strides. I’m, but actually then when I started working with you, and I guess, you know, one of our very first sessions was the were you know, we we thought forward in like three months or six months, wherever the end of the one to one course was where I wanted to be. And I kind of realized at that point that that actually, there was a lot of like, myths or imbalance like that I was missing so like even things like I would have always said like, you know, I was very organized that I was really on top of things, but I think I probably wasn’t taking accountability on controlling that either. So like for example, you know, I would have always been good for like finishing on time at work and not you know, not over working or doing the hours that were not necessarily needed. But I think where I was suffering I was I was carrying get home because I was like, well I’m finishing up five o’clock and like other people are still in there working like I should be doing that as well. Or, you know, am I hindering myself down the road by not putting in those hours and maybe the next opportunity or the next promotion? Like I’d be overlooked for it. And so all that was still going on in my head so while physically Yes, I was leaving the office in park unit. And mentally there was still a lot rolling around in my head in the evenings that I you know, definitely wasn’t maybe like present so while some people might say like, oh, you know, you did have the work life balance Yes, physically it was there but maybe mentally it was still balanced as well.
Yeah, absolutely. And I remember that with you it was like you were always really good that’s one thing I loved about you is that like you weren’t working the hours but there was like other things I suppose that were causing friction and work which is what you while you wanted to kind of work on yourself to so talk to me then about like, I know you love some of the usage of Utah you’re pretty organized by I know you’re a big fan of my prioritize like Kaposi yo train and and the CEO power hour. Talk to me about what that’s done for you haven’t those tools?
Yeah, so like that, you know, saying that I was organized Yes. Like you know, had my to do list I’m you know, would have been pretty efficient with my time at work. And you know me probably one of those people that like, you ask for something, it would have been delivered in the time that like I told you, I would do it. But I don’t think I had like the structure around us that I needed to, like mentally be able to be like, Yeah, I’m on top of that don’t need to be worried about it can head into the weekend or the afternoon not stressing about it? So I think both those tools like the prioritization matrix, while I had seen other versions of it, like over the years, I think you did a really good job of breaking it down into, you know, very simplistic language of how to ruthlessly prioritize day to day or like tasks to task. And then the CEO power hour, like, I don’t think I’ve ever sat down on, you know, regular basis and been like, right, what are my goals for this month? How did last month go for me? Did I reach what I said I was going to do? Did I not? What were the limiting factors, like, what can I change this month, and what I have found with it is like, you know, we all take a bit of ownership on our own, like self development progression, but I don’t think we ever, like reflect on it. So for me, like networking was something I absolutely hated. But know that you have to do is like it is part of the corporate game and has to get done. So one of the questions on your CEO power is like, how are you going to get visible this one? So even just that question to be like, right, I need something in the calendar this month, it’s going to put me in front of the right people. Let me get connected with people that aren’t necessarily in you know, my easily accessible week to week or month to month. So even just stuff like that having to reflect on it. And but ultimately, the structure was the piece that I was missing, like it was all in my hands, but nothing like concrete, if that makes sense.
Yeah. So what would you say to people then, like in terms of like, I don’t mind you sharing at all? Because I’m always generous with my tools? Like, what if you if you if somebody’s listening right now, and they are kind of struggling with prioritizing their workload? What would you say? Like, how would they even start to prioritize?
Yeah, so I think wash, you know, some of the tools that you have, what it forced me to was like time audits where I was spending some of my time. So like that, like even the matrix that I would have seen previously, everything would have ended up in the urgent and important cash because I didn’t even have a clue where to start. I like, I don’t know, like maybe the guilt of like, assigning not important to tasks or anything that like, if it was on the list, it should be important to know. Um, so I think just the way that’s broken down of like, you know, is it absolutely on fire? Like, is this something that’s more strategic like building towards a bigger goal? Do you even need to be there you just represented amazing that maybe there are other people in your group, you’re completely double jabbing SAR saying, um, or are there just areas that are a complete waste of time. So like, I think some of the examples you had in there were like, ranting, like gossiping, like too much coffee time, and stuff like that, that you’re like, it just happens, and then you’ve lost an hour or two of your day sourcing? And so yeah, I think doing the time audit, and then I’m just categorizing then going forward, like is, what quadrant is this actually sitting in? And is it actually necessary for me to do today? So it’s really freed up time to you know, I guess some people give out about like, there’s so many meetings in the calendar and then there isn’t enough time to like physically action your to do list. So even just having time like blocked out in the calendar that this is like to do list time.
Brilliant. So guys, it Laura, you’ve heard it direct from Laura there another law as a top tips. Laura is a super organized person. You mentioned there, though accountability, like and I suppose that was one of the biggest reasons that like I hire my coaches a lot of the time like, I’ve been working with coaches now, the last three years, and honestly, I literally couldn’t be without my coaches. Because what I found they say the last three months, I haven’t been working with private one to one court, I’m in a mastermind membership. But I actually find myself myself gone off track, I just find myself like, I ended up personally, I just need that accountability. So like, that’s why I say I created obviously 360 leaders club. So how are you finding the experience in 360, with the other women holding each other accountable for changes and all those things?
Yeah, like, I think it’s definitely needed to like that. I think we wrapped up our one to one sessions around June this year, and that was maybe like a month or two before I started in the Leadership Club. I’m unlike that I did notice it does get a bit too easy to be like, oh, oh, look, it’s just one day and I let that slip and then one day becomes two and two becomes a week and then next thing you’re completely out of the routine again. So just being in that group again, and being held accountable like that. It’s probably something I might not put too much weight on before doing it. But now that I’m in us, I definitely appreciate it. I think probably, for me, I was at the season where I probably needed the one to one, initially to, I guess, be vulnerable, be open and honest, be transparent, like have those conversations like say the stuff that you’re holding in that you maybe think is like too shameful to say out loud. And I think now in the group session, because I’m willing to do that I’m probably getting more from it. Whereas if I got straight into the group, I think I would have been a little bit more cagey or on like, what I would say what I wouldn’t say, are they judging me? Are they not judging me? Sorry, thing?
Yeah, absolutely. And like, what like, do you think they are judging you? Or like, how would you describe the kind of the feel in the community and 360?
I’m definitely not judging like, it’s, I think everyone there is completely embracing it. Like, it’s a really open environment, like everyone comes with, you know, their different perspectives or different issues. I think the nice thing is knowing that like, no matter what level people are out within their career, like everyone is actually experiencing the same problems like HD. So no matter if you’re, you know, senior vice president to like, entry level engineer, I’m the same, I guess the same doubts and mindset and limiting beliefs are there. I’m if you haven’t worked on your mindset before that so I think in some ways career is nearing parked at the door, like the job, you’re doing this past door, and it becomes more of a like conversation within those groups as well.
Yeah, exactly. And I love to hear that, because I think sometimes, like you said, are your you know, we focus so much on the kind of tangible results, but like, when I see you guys in the LinkedIn group, every single week, so let’s actually try to explain how it works, actually, because I haven’t really explained that. So maybe I’ll just quickly like we do like three calls every month, we have a guest X portrayed and we have our reflective call where everyone’s pauses, they look at you know, everything that’s happened the last month, then you guys set intentions and goals for the next month. And then I love after that when I see you all in the LinkedIn group, posting your intention. So how does it feel like when you like, declare your intentions and goals for the month to publicly Well, privately within the group?
Yeah, like it, you know, I initially, it’s definitely very, like daunting, because you’re putting it out there, like I’m gonna have this done by and obviously, like, it’s, you know, known, it’s not the level of detail of like, this specific task is due this month, it’s more of a, like, higher level like goal that you’re aiming for. So, it’s definitely scary, because it’s kind of like when I said I was going to do it’s now kind of has to happen. And so our thing, but everyone is celebrating it, like every the amount of people on that group that have the same goals that they’re all trying to work towards. And like the opportunity for learning from one another is amazing, because they overlap so much, like so many people have, like, common goals that they’re working towards. So there’s definitely like, areas that people can share in or, you know, someone has reached that goal the month before, and you know, has lessons learned from it that they can share as well. So definitely amazing. And I think as well, like, it’s definitely not something to be scared of, like it’s happened to me where I’ve set an intention. It didn’t happen in the month. But that’s okay ideas I you know, had steps towards us. I’m I got so far and then had to, like just recalibrate for the next month. And that’s completely fine as well. Like no one is judging you that you didn’t get there.
Yeah, exactly. And I suppose the idea of the attention setting is like what do you think will be different if you weren’t setting intentions and goals every month?
I’m like, I think you’re just kind of limping along from week to week then just you know, chopping away at the to do list but no like bigger goals or like strategic thinking of like what this month is going to bring. I’m see if you weren’t setting them then I don’t think well while you’re not holding yourself accountable for it. But then also I don’t think you really understand the direction you want to head in that month and then to be able to whatever your bigger year end goals or quarter goals or whatever it is,
what changes have you seen then in your sales like wass you know, I don’t think we talked about like not seeing something physically tangible, but like, I definitely noticed that you you’re a lot more confident when you speak you You seem like your height like I know, we’ve spoken about conflict management and stuff before, like how are you now versus before our work together?
Yeah, like, it’s definitely the confidence piece was a big thing for me. And it was, I guess, like really what spurred me to go for the one to one training. And I kind of gotten to the point where I’d probably don’t Every presentation skill or like public speaking course that was going, when really the issue wasn’t actually standing up and talking to an audience. It was like, impostor syndrome behind this the inner critic that was happening. Um, and that was where I needed to work rather than, you know, like that the the physical output of being able to stand up and talk in front of a big crowd. In terms of like, the conflict is definitely anyone who knows me knows that, like, I have harmony and abundance. So like conflict is definitely not an area that I want to be in force working on some of the tools that you were able to give me as well, like, I’ve definitely had some challenging conversations. Prior to working with you posts working with you, right? They’ve probably all gotten the same way where I’ve still delivered like the same message got the outcome. However, after working with you, I think just the lack of stress and anxiety heading in those conversations, is where I’ve really benefited or afterwards, been able to park it and not overthink it of like, oh, did I like hurt that person’s feelings, or, you know, this happened to that happened when in reality, like, it may be in my head, that conflict is probably more I probably exaggerated in my head before I ever got to the scenario. Sorry.
And so you mentioned, like, impostor syndrome, and then obviously, the confidence piece around being able to handle the conflict. So you were saying, you were able to do before, but you would have been stressed and anxious? So like, how do you feel? Now? First of all, I’m gonna ask you two questions. How do you feel now when you need to present in front of people? Okay, in terms of the imposter syndrome, and all of that. And then when it comes to conflict management, what’s different for you?
Yeah, so presenting in front of people is definitely something I’m a lot more comfortable with, like, I think, you know, there’s always going to be a nature of nervousness talking in front of a group. That’s, I don’t know, does anyone ever fully become comfortable with doing it? Or like fully enjoying, maybe it’s probably the words to say, but you get more comfortable with this. I’m, I think, definitely where it’s improved is like, you know, working on the imposter syndrome piece, I think the part that I struggled with was, if I get asked this question, I can answer it, or like, I’m gonna get cut out as like spoofer here, because I get asked something, and I don’t know the background to it. Or, you know, they, they’re looking at my slides, knowing that like, like, the information on there, I actually don’t know this. I’m just like rattling it off. So are saying they were the kind of tasks that were going on. Whereas now I’ve become a lot more comfortable with like, well, actually, like, if I’m presenting on it, then I am the subject matter expert in it. If I get asked something, it’s not the end of the world, if I don’t know the answer, like, I do it all the time, where I ask people questions in presentations, and if they don’t know the answer, that’s perfectly fine. And I would never, you know, hold it over them. Yeah, for some reason for myself, I did. Like, you know, to have that compassion and empathy for someone else, and they’re not sure what to yourself is awful. Like, um, and then for, like, the conflict management piece, like, I think just really sitting down, like you have the SCT tool as well of like, how to kind of prep for that conversation, like, what do you need to see what is the report, like practicing it, and then giving it like, an appropriate time, um, which I think is actually really important, it was probably something that like, if I had feedback for someone or a challenging conversation to have, I would try and do it either as quickly as possible to get it over with on finger until it didn’t become a problem anymore. Thing. Whereas there’s probably a happy medium of of like, okay, don’t rush in when like, you’re maybe too emotional for the conversation. But also don’t leave it at a time where it’s like, hey, remember, six months ago, when this thing happened, and it’s just not effective as it should be, then,
Laura, I just have to commend you for being so open and honest and vulnerable, sharing, like how you were feeling before because I know that this story is going to help so many other women who are listening because, like, what I hear a lot is I thought I was the only one I thought I was the only one who thought they had to have all the answers who didn’t like conflict, and you’re just proof now that you didn’t like it. But now you’ve you’ve used the tools that you’ve learned, and I’m just honestly so proud of you because you’re one of the few people who would like you have really, I feel like we’re on a one to one call here. But you know, I mean, that’s like, I feel like you’ve really embraced everything you really like gave it your all and therefore you’ve you know, you’ve seen the results. So I just hope you’re proud of yourself because I am proud of you for sure. Yeah, absolutely.
Definitely. I’m like And I think as well just even in our one to one sessions in the group sessions like have been affordable like eat, that’s where you’re gonna get the benefit from it. There’s no point, there’s no point going and trying to make up a scenario just for the sake of like being part of the conversation like, really truly what is it that you need help with, and, you know, like, like you created like such a safe space for allowing that vulnerability as well. And like I said, like, there’s no judgement, either one to one or in the group, which is lovely. So you kind of feel like you can just totally be yourself.
Amazing, amazing. And so tell me, then what would you like? What would you say to somebody who’s listened to my podcast, and who has been thinking about investing in themselves, or maybe like Laura did. So I have two different types of people, I have people who will invest in themselves out of their own shares and own savings with their salary, and then I have people as well who invest to get their company to invest. So let’s just talk first of all, because like you got your company to invest, like, how did you approach that? And how did you get the funding for first of all the one to one, and then you got funding for to join 360 leaders love and then you got funding to get me into training with your team and your magic? So how did you how did you manage that?
Yeah, like, one, I would say, if anyone has any bit of an inkling that this is something they would like to do, like, go for it, because I don’t think you’ll regret it. I’m like, particularly the one to one. Like, it’s such a personalized program for anyone, like, obviously, I picked out the areas I wanted to work on, I’m sure there are other areas that you offer, as well, Lucy that just, you know, weren’t for me at the time or whatever. So because it’s so personalized, you’re going to end up with a great result at the end of it. So I’d say definitely just go for us, like, you know, maybe step out of your comfort zone, and just be curious about it. In terms of the funding, like one thing that really struck me i, whenever we spoke initially, I was like, right, you know, do we want to go for this? Obviously, it’d be great if the company like Batumi as well, because, you know, kind of showing their investment in me as well. And I was like, There’s no way I could ask for that. Like, like, if I asked for it, they’ll just laugh at me because I can’t tell them like, right, you know, I’m going to have, I’m going to be able to do like, I don’t know, like sat analysis at the end of this or like, whatever. And then I just had this moment where like, I was actually in a one to one with a direct report of mine. And they asked me something. And in my head, I was like, You can’t ask for that. Like, that’s so cheeky. But then I was like, no RSVP to them. Because that’s the worst that happens. Like, I’d say no. And actually, like, I didn’t say no, because obviously, I went away and had a look or whatever they were asking for. Um, so then I was just like, why don’t I just do that myself? Just ask. So like, literally, that’s all it was. It was a one to one with my manager said it’s them. And I was like, Is there any chance? Like there would be some budget for this? And he was just like, Yeah, look, you know, if that’s what you want, as your next development opportunity, like, perfect. So yeah. And that’s kind of where it’s just built from, like, I guess I’m at the point where I’m like, right, if they say, No, that’s fine. I’ll figure it out some other way. But like, there’s no harm in asking either.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I love that you had the courage to do that. Because some people do have those beliefs. And they’re like, Oh, I can’t do it. But actually, like you said, the worst that can happen is they say no. And so what else was I going to ask you then? So a lot? Like, I know, obviously, you were considering invest in yourself as well, I know you were at a point where like you were going to invest in yourself of your company didn’t so what would you say to somebody who’s like gangster company and company have said no, but they really want to invest in themselves. They, they really want to either get into community and join 360 to be around or women to learn to uplevel? Or they feel like they need kind of more private support? Like what would you say to people who are afraid to invest in themselves?
Like, just go for it? Like, I mean, obviously, I can only speak from my own experience, but I have like no regrets. Had I invested in myself, like, still would be in the same boat, I would have seen it like completely worthwhile. Like I said, I’m probably at the point now where even you know, as my membership comes off, if the company said no, like, you know, we’ve no further funding for that, like absolutely fine. Like I would just do it myself, because I’m getting so much benefit from it. So like, I guess before this, I maybe would have been like skeptical rose on the coaching piece. But I’ve had a completely different like, mind shift like on that. And I think if you have any inkling of like it’s something that you’d like to do, then I think you’re already in, you’re already thinking there’s something that needs to change here and you’re not really sure what we need to do it. So I think the coaching is probably a good way to go and get your personalized plan as well.
To me is an amazing, amazing. And so Laura, like I just want to say thanks so much for coming on the podcast. I think you’ve shared a lot of insights. I’m just trying to think like You know, there are people who are going to be listen who are really like, onshore or like, what would you say? Like not even on the investment, but like, just on the whole power of coaching in terms of like, a lot of the time I hear things like, I feel guilty, or I don’t have enough time, or am I really like deserving of this level of investment, or I hear things like, you know, it’s just not the right time work is so busy, like, what would you say to those people,
like work is always going to be there, right? Like, you know, as in even that, like, oh, like you don’t work is too busy or like, I feel guilty for doing it. Like, you’ve probably already gotten over, like the imbalance that that you should have. I’m so like, the quicker you invest in yourself. Like, the better, I would say, now that I’ve like, gone through the training, like still part of the community as well. I can’t I guess it’s hard to put into like words, how much benefit like just from a, mentally from a mindset standpoint that I’m getting. So like, even just the basics of like, you know, five o’clock combs like that’s it like shutdown, there is no second thought given to work like afterwards, over the weekend like never dwells on we never have that Sunday, like fear, like heading into Monday morning or anything like that. I’m so I think for people like that, if, if you’re thinking about it, and you know, they’re the struggles that you’re having, it’s not going to change unless you do something. So like saying that work is too busy, is kind of just an excuse to diminish it, which is maybe a harsh way of saying it, but like, it’s never going to it’s never going to change unless you do something about it. So powerful.
It’s so so powerful. You heard it here. First, everyone from Laura. So Laura, thank you so much for coming on the podcast and hopefully, say hello to some new members of 360, who hopefully are going to come in after you have been on here today. Thank you so much for being here. One last question. I want to ask you that I always ask all my guests. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? It doesn’t have to be from anything to do at work or can be anything what springs to mind?
Oh, yeah, I guess like I did always this even something like specifically say that, like any point. But I think just, you know, work is work. There’s always going to be another job. Like we only have this life once. So spending it with people that mean most. And obviously, you know, have fun, enjoy the time. And yeah, just not overthink it either. And don’t get too stressed out about it.
Absolutely love it. And Laura, where can people find you if they want to connect with you?
Yeah, so I am on LinkedIn as well under my Laura Harvey tag as well. And so yeah, if anyone has any questions or wants to reach out one to one about my experience or anything like that, absolutely do so.
Oh, you’re so kind you’re so kind of remember your network is your net worth. So I always think networking is great. Anyway, so listen to Laura, thank you so so much for being on the podcast. I appreciate you and I look forward to supporting you in 360 1000
Brilliant. Thank you Lucy
Want more actionable tips?
Have a listen to episode #91 - What To Do When You Feel Guilty Investing in Yourself