#96 What To Do If You Lack Confidence As a Senior Leader?

The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 96, 25 October 2023 by Lucy Gernon

Ever wondered where lack of confidence comes from despite your success?

In the world of senior leadership, where desire meets strategic thinking and success meets with unshakable dedication, it may come as a surprise that even the most accomplished individual occasionally struggles with a lack of confidence.

You’re a positive, collaborative, educated individual who is motivated by ambition, strategic vision, and an eye for innovation. A person noted for loyalty, customer focus, and a skilled problem-solving attitude, with an organised, calm personality.

Yet, despite this great list of skills and accomplishments, those little inner voices might still creep in and cast shadows on your path to success.

If you’ve ever found yourself nodding in agreement, struggling with unsettling self-doubt despite an abundance of success, know that you’re not alone.

In today’s episode, I am uncovering where this lack of confidence comes from and provide practical advice on how to overcome it. So, let’s dig deeper into this common difficulty and discover the strategies to overcome your unwavering confidence as a senior leader.

Here’s the episode at a glance:

[3:12] The One Powerful Way to Beat Imposter Syndrome

[5:44] Unveiling the Role of Self-Awareness and Skill Building at Work

[7:32] Discover the Effects of Past Failures on Self-Esteem

[8:50] The #1 Reason Why We Should Embrace Mistakes As Learning Opportunities

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