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#15 How to Create Better Work Life Balance So You Don’t Miss Out on Life
The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 15, 06 April 2022 by Lucy Gernon
Do you long for a better work-life balance?
You’re probably thinking that it’s just not possible in your line of work as you have to take those calls due to different time zones or there might be so many demands on you that you feel this really strong sense of duty to make sure that you deliver and you don’t want to let your boss or the company down.
Work-life balance can be a real problem in the corporate space and finding a solution that works for you without sacrificing your career or looking incompetent can be tough.
But my friend, it is possible.
Your job is a big part of who you are and my job is a big part of who I am.
I know that you don’t want to let your boss down so you end up working long hours, sacrificing your own mental health and your well being. And a lot of the time you’ll find yourself people-pleasing and find it difficult to push back and say no.
You’ve been steering the ship for your team for the last 2 years and beyond. You have risen to the challenge and by God, there was a lot of challenges. You have supported the business and your team and you gave it all you had for 2 years. You’ve put everyone else first and you’re tired, you’re exhausted.
Does any of this sound familiar, how can you change this?
Firstly, you are in the right place. As a mother, and having worked in the corporate world for many years leading teams, I know all too well how challenging it can be for you to juggle it all. You want, and deserve happiness, and to enjoy your life.
And that’s why I recorded this episode for you — because today I want you to focus on yourself. I know all too well how challenging it can be for you to juggle it all. I truly believe that 2022 is your time to shine. This is your time to stand up and say enough! It is my turn now.
This episode also includes a freebie to help you to figure out what areas of your life you need to focus to feel more balanced.
Download now by clicking the image below!
Here’s the episode at a glance
[04:30] How can you achieve better work-life balance
[09:37] How do you know when you’re out of balance
[12:15] Free resource to help you to figure out what areas of your life you need to focus to feel more balanced
[13:10] The 8 key areas you must consider to feel balanced and happy