Hi, there, and welcome back to the powerhouse Revolution podcast. I hope you are having a wonderful day. If you have been enjoying my podcast lately. Can you please don’t forget to rate and review this show and make sure that you’re subscribed and following it so you never ever miss an episode. So today, I wanted to talk to you very quickly in the super short episode, all about the number one thing you need to know when it comes to confidence. So what prompted me to come on the podcast today is that I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone to achieve something big on my vision board. Now I’m going to proclaim this right now on the podcast. I’ve never actually said it publicly. But my goal in the next couple of years is to write an article for Forbes or be featured in Forbes magazine. Now I had it on my vision board last year, but I really didn’t have enough energy behind what I wanted. Because I had this impostor syndrome. I didn’t feel I was ready. So I had the vision. But last year really wasn’t the right time. But I know this year is the right time to get the ball moving on this. So I have set myself my intention to do this. Now this is scary AF for me to actually publicly say this because I want you to know that when you see me in Forbes, it didn’t just happen. It might not be this year, but it will definitely be next year or the year after and I am getting the ball rolling this year. I have already started to reach out to editors she has told me no several times. But I am not given up. And I want you to know that I fight through impostor syndrome all the time. I’m fighting my inner critic with everything I have telling me. Lucy, who do you think you are to write an article for Forbes? Who do you think you are to x y&z Right? But the reason I’m explaining this to you is because I want you to know that when this happens for you, you’re not to listen, I get asked a lot about confidence. And it’s one of my favorite things to work on with women is to help you to get rid of self doubt, to remove imposter syndrome. And to be more confident on the inside. And I know if you’re listening to my podcast, you’re an extremely successful woman in a leadership role. You have worked your way up the corporate ladder, and you’re most likely leaving big teams and you have a lot of responsibility. And a lot of people look up to you, right? And they look to you, you’re seen as a leader, you’re inspiring others. But I know too, that sometimes on the inside this imposter syndrome or this self doubt pops up for you. I know sometimes you are fighting your own mind and second guessing yourself in your decisions. You’re saying things to yourself, like should I speak open that meeting? When it actually add value? Will I look stupid? What will they think of me? So I’m here today because I want you to know that the women I work with and I have worked with some of the top CEOs and leaders in the world in Fortune 500, fortune 100 companies, I’ve worked with well known faces that you will never know that I worked with. And everyone in between everyone on the ladder and I see it throughout regardless of age, there are certain people out there like I was and like I am who struggled with this imposter syndrome. Regardless of roles. Sometimes we just struggle with our confidence. And I want to share with you today that I’m struggling with my confidence. But the difference is I don’t listen to that voice. I don’t listen anymore. And if I cast myself back a couple of years ago, I did listen, I felt like I wasn’t good enough. And I can’t even tell you the pain that I felt like can get emotional talking about this for years because I felt like I wasn’t good enough. So believe me when I say I’ve had to fight that with everything. I have spent 10 years doing the inner work. I’ve had to do the mindset work. I’ve had to understand why I think that way because I want to be the best version of myself. I want to show up better. And you can absolutely do that too. So if you’re lacking confidence right now, here’s what I want you to do. Now, if you’re multitasking come back to me. Every time that voice pops up to tell you that you shouldn’t do something, or you shouldn’t say something, I want you to remember that that voice is there to try to keep you safe. It’s trying to protect you. So that’s your inner critic, or this imposter syndrome. And it’s, that’s its job, it’s the way our brain works is that it’s the first center that will always receive the brain versus that reptilian part of the mind that’s responsible for instigating the fight or flight and the amygdala. So basically, if you imagine information, going through your eyes, and through your ears, basically, in your brain, through your eyes, it’s gone to the back of your spine, they’re just at the top, and at the very first filter the information goes through is, Am I safe? So that’s literally what your brain is trying to decide with everything that it hears, it seems it feels, am I safe. If your brain detects that there is any threat or perceived threat to you, either emotionally or physically, and the operative word here is perceived threat, it will give you all the reasons that you shouldn’t do it. So instead of speaking up at that meeting, your brain is saying, No, don’t do it. Because if you do, you’re not going to be safe. But it’s trying to protect you that so you don’t get hurt. And unfortunately, for us, our human brains have not evolved from the Stone Age of the caveman. And when we really did have a threat. And we didn’t need to run away from those saber toothed tigers and all those jungle animals. But that’s not going to happen right in the corporate world. And I know there’s some people you probably work with who looked like saber toothed tigers and act that way. But honestly, they are not going to hurt you. So the next time that you are feeling that you’re doubting yourself, I want you to remember in that moment that this is a call to grow. And if you’re multitasking, come back to me. Besides that, every time you feel self doubt, it’s because it’s a call to grow. You need to learn something about yourself. The universe is trying to show you what you’re made of and what you’re capable of. So if you feel like speaking up at that meeting, and that voice pops up and says no, I want you to use the Mel Robbins five second rule. And if you haven’t heard of this, it’s a game changer. I use it all the time. So Mel says that we only have five seconds to actually take action on something when we get an inspired idea. And then our brains talk us out of it. So the five second rule is literally where I want you to go 54321 And just do it. So if you’re in that meeting, and you feel like speaking up with that person who rubs you the wrong way or makes you feel small, or makes you feel frustrated, I want you to take a deep breath, and just listen to your inner guidance. Listen to the wise part of yourself. And I want you to speak up with decorum and confidence, because that is what is going to gain you respect. So that’s the end of this week’s episode. It’s a really, really short one. And just to give you one little tip when it comes to confidence, like I am always, I’m always really real, I am totally human. And even though I work with women on impostor syndrome and self doubt, I of course struggle with my confidence at times as well. But I promise you act confidence comes from taking action. Do not sit back, do not wait for everyone or the world or the universe to hand you opportunities. If you want something just like I do to be featured in Forbes, you heard it here. First, you’ve got to step into your superpowers and claim it because it’s available for you when you do this. Anything you visualize, you can create an AI mean anything, but you’ve got to do the work to get there first. And if you are finding it a bit challenging at the moment with self belief or confidence or self doubt, you do not have to do this alone, I have worked with hundreds of women on this area, I have spent 10 years or more doing personal development work on myself so I can be more confident. I have a whole arsenal of tools. And I have a very, very proven step by step system that I can take you through to get you from feeling like an imposter to feeling like an empowered leader that you truly are. So if you are interested in working with me, just DM me the word powerhouse on LinkedIn or Instagram, or you can send me an email to Hello at Lucy garland.com. And I can share your different options for working with me. So that’s it. I hope today gave you some motivation. I know there are a few of you who needed to hear this today. And the next time you’re feeling low on confidence, come back and listen to this episode. And I really, really hope it inspires you. So that’s it. Again, if you are looking for some support with confidence or with your self belief, please please just don’t waste any more time.
Send me an email or reach out to me on LinkedIn or an Instagram and I can share exactly how I can support you to go from feeling how you are now to feeling your most empowered, confident self so that you become the best version of yourself and leadership in life. Okay, that’s it for today’s episode. I’ll check in next week bye for now