Hello there, and welcome back to another episode of the Powerhouse Revolution podcast. How are you doing today? It’s time to have that little check in with yourself and see how you’re feeling. So if you’re driving the car, or maybe you’re in the kitchen, maybe you’re out for walk, I’d love to know, where are you listening from? But I want you to just check in with yourself. As in do it right now. And just connect with your body and just ask yourself, How am I feeling right now. You’re feeling calm, he feeling anxious. They’re all signs coming from your body that it’s telling you how you’re feeling in your mind. So the mind and body as I always tell you has a symbiotic relationship they work together. So if you’re not feeling good, right now, as you do this check in. While I suggest that you do something that’s going to raise your vibrational energy. So you might start shaking your body, you might start jumping up and down, you might play some music that you like. And just remember that you always have a choice. So in today’s episode, as we move along from that little check in, I wanted to talk to you a little bit about the importance of having a growth mindset. Now, quick story I have usually I have had a quick growth mindset for I’d say at least the last five to seven years. But before that I didn’t. So a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset is what we’re going to get into today. So I’m just going to tell you a quick story about somebody who used to work for me on my team and see does this land with you? And you have people like this on your team? Or are you like this yourself? So I remember I had this guy and he was new. And I had hired him because he had a wealth of experience on his CV. And I had a particular I suppose expectation of how he would perform. And when I hired him, I noticed that he was very fixed in his thinking. So you know, when something would pop up, I remember one particular day there I was trying to explain to him a new process that we had implemented, I could see his face really scrunching up, and his energy completely shifted. Now bear in mind because we are emotional, energetic creatures. If your energy shifts or somebody else’s, we all feel it. It’s not something that we speak about. But trust me when I tell you when there’s an energy shift in you, the people around you feel it. And that’s exactly what happened with this particular guy who worked for me. And I started to feel really uncomfortable. And I got really confused. And I asked him, I said, What’s what’s going on? I’m noticing that you’re, you’re looking at kind of a bit confused. And he was kind of saying, but this isn’t, this isn’t how I did it before. And I was kind of looking at him going well, how did you do before and he explained, and then I tried to explain why we were doing it this way. And I could just see that he was just so fixed in his way of thinking. He thought I was mad. And he wasn’t even remotely open to learning a new way of doing things until I worked with him. And I started to work with him on his mindset. And it is possible for you if you have a fixed mindset to be able to move to a more of a growth mindset. So there’s a very famous psychologist and her name was Dr. Carol Dweck. I will link it in the show notes. Actually, she did a very famous TED talk on YouTube, all about growth versus fixed mindsets.
So what is a fixed mindset? First of all, so this is really where your mindset exactly as it doesn’t the 10 is fixed. And that you know you’re you’re born with the capabilities that you have and that it that your intelligence comes from, you know your DNA and it can’t be improved. So what happens is if you have a fixed mindset and you’re not open to learning or growing or doing new things, when you have channel changes, you will avoid them at all costs. That’s one way that you know you have a fixed mindset. When there are obstacles, you’ll give up easily. And when it comes to effort, you, you just won’t want to put in the effort, you’ll just want things to be working smoothly, because you don’t like challenge you don’t like resistance, then also another sign of a fixed mindset is you can be highly critical to criticism. So you might have it might be you, and you might not even be aware of it. Or it’s easier to see it in somebody else. So let’s say it’s somebody on your team, who you know, cannot does not like constructive feedback. They see it as criticism, and they often ignore it, because they’re so fixed in their way of thinking. They have blinkers on them. They believe this is how it should be. And they’re not open to changing at all for anyone. But what’s going on inside is they aren’t feeling threatened by the success of other people. And they really, I suppose, can go around, I suppose not achieving their full potential because they’re so fixed in their way of thinking. They think that this is how it’s how they are this is the limit of their abilities, don’t question me all those kinds of things. And they have a very, I suppose, negative, they can have quite a negative view of the world around them.
Whereas somebody with a growth mindset, which is definitely something that I work on all the time, sees opportunities, in times of failure is open to learning is open to growing, they really want to learn and therefore love challenges. So even you know, with myself and my own business, I’ve, you know, I’ve overcome so many challenges. And now instead of me going, Oh, my God, why are these challenges here? Why is this happening? I tried to have a bit more fun with them. And I’ll say, Okay, there’s a challenge here. What’s this here to teach me? What can I learn? And that is, you know, a much better way of thinking for you. Because when you’re thinking in a fun creative state, you’re going to raise your vibrational energy, you’re going to charge up your body with more positive energy, which is going to fuel you to embrace those challenges and to find those solutions, as opposed to you blocking them off and go on. Why are they here, you’re bringing down your vibe completely. And you can Problem Solver be creative. So it’s super important to embrace challenges. The other thing, another characteristic of somebody with a growth mindset is when they’re when there are obstacles, they don’t give up.
Right? They don’t think like I remember when I first started out with my business, I’ll never forget, I tried to launch a group, a group coaching course, when I first started out on my business. Now I was literally I was fresh out of my coaching course, I had all this enthusiasm and energy to try to help women to silence their inner critic and be more confident. And I came up with this group coaching program. And I remember I did a webinar and I think there was like 100 people who came to the webinar. At the time I was working with kind of antibody, you know, I didn’t really I wasn’t fully, I suppose niche to women and leadership. And I tried to sell that program to, I suppose better, better than the attendees. And it was for an extremely low price versus my investment now. And I didn’t get a single person who signed up, not a single person. So I had pushed myself out of my comfort zone beyond belief. First of all, to do a webinar on my own. For the very first time, having left the corporate world, I had pushed myself to get visible thinking that all of you know it was going to come to fruition. And when I tried to promote this course that everyone was going to sign up, and not a single person signed up. So in that moment, I had a choice. Okay, so same with you, you always have a choice. Am I going to throw in the towel and give up and say that it’s not going to work? Or it’s something to do with me? Or am I going to keep my eye on my intention? Am I going to keep focused on the future? And am I going to keep going? Am I going to learn why people didn’t sign up? Or am I going to learn how I can do it better? So what I did in that situation was I persisted. And they kept going. And what I realized was, is that my program was too generic. I hadn’t built credibility, these people who signed up hadn’t a clue who I was. I didn’t share enough of my knowledge so that they could trust me. So so many things I learned from that situation. And because I learned from that I’m now in a position where I’m winning awards for my coaching business, where I’m recognized as an expert, where I’m sought out by you know, women all over the world, not just from where I live, I work with women all over the world, because I kept going. So if you bring that back to your own career, has there been times in your career Are you faced a setback?
Maybe you’ve been told? No, not now. Now’s not the time for the promotion, for example. And you see that as a setback, I used to think no meant no, no never means no, no means no, not now, or no means you’re not talking to the right person, or no means maybe there’s something you need to grow in first. But just don’t ever give up. Don’t ever give up on your dreams. The other thing is somebody with a growth mindset will see effort as the path to mastery. And that’s exactly I suppose how I think the more you learn, the more mistakes you make, the more you grow. And the more effort you put in, it is going to make you mastering something, it’s going to ultimately help you be successful. Okay. Another characteristic of somebody with a growth mindset is they learn from criticism. Now, I think a lot of this, a lot of people don’t like criticism, because it’s intended as criticism. So there’s a difference between giving intentional constructive feedback, and actually criticizing somebody because you can. So I would always say when it comes to feedback, you know, seek it out from people that you trust people that you value, their opinion, and people who you know, have your best interest at heart. So that’s something I do is part of a personal branding exercise I do with my one to one clients, where we look at their personal brand, and we look at, you know, seeking out feedback, but we are very careful about who we seek to feedback from, because it has to have weight for you. But I do believe like, you know, some some lessons I’ve learned in my business has been from criticism, it has been from feedback that I’ve got, from, you know, different different sources of things, maybe I could be doing better, you know, if clients who didn’t hire me have taught me what I need to do better. And people like, thankfully, everyone who’s obviously ever completed, my course has got results. But not everyone is ready to invest or trusts me enough to sign up, right. And I can take all of that really, personally, I can throw in the towel, or I can keep going. And that’s exactly what I do. And because I do that, I suppose my breath business is really, really fruitful. And I absolutely feel great when I’m doing it. So the other thing, then the characteristic of somebody with a growth mindset is they find lessons and inspiration in the success of others. So again, I’m going back to my business story, like when I first started out, I used to feel super jealous of other women who were more successful than me. And I would look at them, and I would go oh my god, like, I’m never going to be like them, I’m going to be so jealous. And then I catch myself. I remember one night, I was sitting on my bed, and I was journaling. And I kept myself looking at somebody on Instagram who is in a similar industry to me, and was just doing some stuff really, really, really well. And I decided in that moment, I caught myself feeling jealous, and I went, Wait a minute, you need to take inspiration from this person, because she’s showing you what’s possible, she is showing you what you can achieve, she is lighting the path for you. So you’ve got to change your mindset. So I reached out to this particular person. And now we’re really, really good friends, and we help each other out in our businesses.
So I suppose if you adopt a growth mindset, I mean, again, I would encourage you to go through this with your team, if you go to my website on the shownotes, you’ll be able to share the YouTube video with them. You will have a greater sense of fulfillment, you will have a greater sense of excitement, you will have a greater sense of purpose. And you’ll just feel so much better about yourself life will be more fun more, I suppose, give me more curious. And there’s also so many benefits to having a growth mindset. So that is it. Excuse me for today’s episode, I would encourage you to just reflect Do you have a fixed mindset? Do you take criticism easily? Or do you see it as an opportunity to grow? Do you avoid challenges? Or do you see them as an opportunity to learn and grow and embrace them? Do you give up easily when there’s obstacles? Or do you persist? And do you keep going and keep your eye on your intention? Do you you know feel threatened by others? Or do you see that others are there to inspire you and show you what’s possible? So if you find yourself with a fixed mindset, you know you can absolutely change it. But it all starts with you. Recognizing your own value. Recognizing your own worth and realizing that you can learn how anything you want. You can literally change your entire life by learning new skills, nothing has to stay the same. There is no limit to what you can achieve. There is no rules around who you can become. You get to decide of that. So that is it for this week’s episode. I hope you found it useful. Again, if you go to the show notes, you will find a link to that TED talk. I’ll also put a little graphic on a growth versus a fixed mindset for you there so that you can see the differences. And again, I would really encourage you to maybe go through this with your team. Because so many younger people in particular, as you’re starting out in your career, it’s not normal for us to kind of have a growth mindset unless you’ve been brought up an environment that really encourages failures and growing, which many people are not. So you can be the one to inspire your team. You can be the one to tell them that it’s it’s okay to feel how they’re feeling. However, this is how they’re going to change it. So if you found this week’s episode valuable, can you please rate and review on Apple podcasts or on Spotify again, 2023. I really want to try and grow this podcast. So I would really appreciate any likes, shares, comments, anything like that when you see my posts to help me to push this podcast more people. And until next week, I will talk to you then take care