Welcome back to the Powerhouse Revolution podcast and almost happy Christmas, Eve, eve, eve, eve. I don’t know how many Eve’s there are before Christmas. I am so excited the Christmas tree is up. The hot chocolate station is there for the kids with the marshmallows. And I am in a super super festive festive mood this week. So I wanted to record this podcast off the back of last week’s podcast with Mary Moynihan, where we were talking all about strategies for success. Now Mary was a is a Senior Vice President of HR in in Del Sol, she has worked her way up to executive level. And she gave so many good tips for strategies for success. So before you listen to this episode, if you didn’t listen to last week, I’d love for you to just go back and listen to the last week then come back to this one. So today I’m going to be talking to you all about how to set your career goals for 2023. So that you can reflect over Christmas, take some time to actually do it. And I’ve created a free resource for you to support you through that. And it is the ultimate 30 Day goal planner. So if you just go to www dot sign up dot Lucy garden.com forward slash goal dash dash planner, you will be able to see that goal planner and download it for free. It will also be on the show notes. If you go to Lucy garden.com forward slash podcast and look for this podcast episode, which is episode number 52. You will see the link in the show notes. And you’ll also see it wherever you’re listening to this right now. So if it’s on Spotify or Apple podcasts, just click the description right now. And you will be able to download that goal planner to support you over Christmas to set your career goals.
So the first thing to say about setting career goals really is that you want to think big. So most women in leadership play small, you’re thinking I can’t go for that role, or I can’t put myself out there and work on that big project because I’m not good enough. And if I just have a little bit more experience, or if I just if I just if I just then I’ll go for it. So I want you to completely stop with that small thinking. Because most men do not think that way. I want you to play full out in 2023. I want you to understand that when you get crystal clear on what you want. When you get focused on how you’re going to actually achieve it, and put yourself on your own development first, you can achieve literally anything.
Quick story before I started my business, I did not necessarily have this mindset when I worked in the corporate world. But when I did very, very well and worked and worked my way up. But when I started my business, I really had to tap into the power of confidence. And confidence comes from doing things that make you feel uncomfortable. And then when you do them and everything goes well, you feel more confident. Confidence does not come from sitting on the sidelines, it doesn’t come from you wishing that you could do something different. Change comes when you take action. And that’s what I want for you this year. So whether it’s a promotion, whether it’s better work life balance, whether it’s a lateral move, whether it’s increased visibility, whether it’s that you want to work on a project so that you can leave a legacy behind whatever it is I want you to stop playing small because nobody else is going to believe in you if you don’t believe in you.
Okay, so I want you to think about a really big goal that you would like to reach next year. Okay, now the planner is a 30 day goal planner to really to help you to get clear on even in the first 30 days of the year. What you’re going to do because I believe that if you start the year off on the right foot, you will get some momentum and when you sit when you have momentum, you will keep going. Okay, so the first thing to do is I want you to set a really big goal that you want to achieve by the end of January. Don’t wait till February. Don’t wait till things calm down because you
Just back, go back in January with a goal in mind that you want to achieve something that’s really going to stretch you. The second thing that you need to do is make a plan for how you’re going to make it happen. So that’s probably the most important piece of the whole puzzle is, most often we know what we want, we have, you know, I talk to women all the time who know they want to get into this global role or who know they want to leave and start a business. But they do nothing about it, they don’t sit down, they don’t map out the steps, they don’t identify the stakeholders, they don’t give themselves timelines. And then they wonder why their colleagues or peers are kind of doing better than them. It’s because they’re taking action and you’re not. So you’ve got to make a plan. And in the planner, you can do that.
The third thing you need to do then is commit to making it happen. So a goal without a wish, or sorry, I wish without what, what is it oh my god, I can’t even think right now, a goal without a plan is just a wish, okay. And if you don’t commit to that plan and prioritize that plan, at the end of January, you’re going to be in the exact same position as you are now. And before you know it, those work fires will have appeared on it’s the end of February, and you’re still the same, and then it’s the end of March. So I want you to start 2023 off with a bang, I want you to get ready to get clear on what you deserve from your career and from your life, and then commit to yourself to making it happen. So if you’re multitasking, come back to me, you need to make a commitment to yourself to make things happen for you, there is no more waiting. Confidence comes when you move outside your comfort zone, not stay in it. So you’ve got to commit to yourself. And then the fourth thing you need to do is you need to take massive action to achieve your goal. Okay. So it might be having a conversation with a senior stakeholder to increase your visibility, you can do something like ask for somebody senior to have 15 minutes of their time, say that you’re trying to work on your your career development, and you would love to learn more about their world, you’d love to share about what you’re doing in your department, because you know, you’ve got to get visible, you have got to get visible and it’s actually less about the work you do. And it’s more about the promotion of the work you do and how you portray yourself and who knows who you are.
So I want you to really push yourself to think about just one big thing that you could do in January to start the year off. If you have that big goal. Imagine yourself at the end of January, when you have achieved your goal, I want you to connect with the reason why this goal is important to you. And then connect with the how it’s going to make you feel. And in the planner, I take you through all of this. So you can sit down and you can, you know really think about your goal and why you want it and how it’s going to make you feel. And then you’re going to do your steps to take there, you’re going to give yourself little due dates. And then you’re going to identify who can help you achieve your goal. So you don’t have to do this alone, you can absolutely ask for support, you can ask for guidance. So again, in the planner, there’s a space where you can identify the stakeholders that you need, and you can reach out to them. And then the other thing that I’d like you to do is that every single day, you need to commit to yourself to take in some sort of action. And allow yourself to get excited by this. I can imagine going back to work now in January with this kind of energy with a commitment to yourself, and a determination to do something different to take the bull by the horns and to stop waiting for things to land in your lap. And to actually take control of your own career and your own life. Because you shape your reality by the actions you take. So again, if you’re multitasking, come back to me, your you shape your reality based on the actions you take and where you are today, right now. Is it a direct consequence of the actions you have taken so far? So if you’re in the same role for years, and you’re unhappy, and you’re going to your boss, and you’re asking for opportunities, there’s no opportunities and you’re sitting back and you’re not nothing’s happening. Well, that’s on you. Because if you’ve asked enough times and your boss isn’t supportive of your development, you only have two options. You can choose to find try to find the joy in the work that you’re doing and find yourself getting challenged in another way within that role. Or you can choose to leave. I mean they are your options, but I don’t want you to sit there feeling unhappy because life is way, way, way too short. So commit yourself every day that you’re going to Do make action or take action. And then when you get really clear on your goal, I want you to do a visualization exercise. So if you have a goal in mind that you want, I want you to imagine yourself at the end of January when you have achieved this goal. So you know, you can close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, really relax, and create a movie, in your own mind. Imagine yourself on a movie screen. At the end of January, when you’ve taken the action you don’t really want to take what things have started to happen for you. So how would you feel what will be different for you imagine the momentum and the sense of achievement you would have. And then you can set your goals for the rest of the year. And again, you can use the same principles every single month. So that is it. It’s a very, very quick and short and sweet episode, I just wanted to talk to you about the goal setting. Because I think it’s a really, really important thing for you to do. So just to recap, you’re going to set you’re going to go to my website and sign up at dark Lucy garden.com forward slash goal dash planner, or you can download it at the show notes at Lucy garden.com forward slash podcast, or exactly where you’re listening to this. Now go and grab the planner because it is going to guide you through step by step. So you’re going to set a really big goal that you want to reach by the end of January, something that’s going to stretch you, then you’re going to make a plan for how you’re going to make it happen. You’re going to commit to making it happen to yourself, you’re going to do a visualization exercise constantly. And imagine yourself at the end of January when you have reached that goal. And then you’re gonna just put your big girl pants on, you’re gonna move outside your comfort comfort zone, and you’re gonna take massive action to reach your goal. So I want you to go now and I want you to set yourself your set your sights high, No more playing small, you deserve to have it all my friend you really, really, really do. And I am totally here to support you. So if you have any questions or you need a little boost, or you’re feeling nervous about having a conversation, just slide into my DMs, LinkedIn or Instagram and I will be happy to send you a little voice note of encouragement. If you have to have that conversation in particular, it can be quite daunting, but just remember that person is is just a person. And if you don’t ask, as my mother always says you don’t get. So that’s the end of this week’s short and sweet episode.
I hope you have an absolutely wonderful, wonderful Christmas. I will be in your ear airboats, air pods, I can’t even say the word next week. And we are going to be going through the best bits from 2022 off this podcast. So we are busy pulling out some of the gems from my solo episodes and for my guest episodes to support you. So you can go for a nice long walk and listen to that because it’s probably going to be a longer one. So have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas and eat all the foods drink all the drink, celebrate. And remember to take photographs because you never know this time next year who won’t be sitting at that table. Not to be morbid, but you know what I’m trying to say Go enjoy time with your family. And I’ll talk to you again soon. Bye for now