#21 Managing Your Manager & How to Request Additional Resources and Get Them!

The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 21, 18 May 2022 by Lucy Gernon

Are you tired of slow or little progress with requests you’ve made to your boss?

Do you want to feel more comfortable speaking up with confidence?

There’s one thing I hear time and time again… Lucy, I can manage my team, but I’m not quite sure how to manage my own boss.

“I hate asking for help and we are so under-resourced but my boss just doesn’t listen.”

“I don’t feel I’m recognised in the same way some of my peers are””Sound familiar?

In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing 5 critical things you must know when it comes to managing up, no matter what level you are at, these principles still apply.

Here’s the episode at a glance:

[02:42] 7 smart ways to effectively manage your boss

[11:40] 5 critical things you must know when it comes to managing up

[16:50] How to request additional resources and actually get them!

This episode also includes a free guide with 4 secrets guaranteed to help you skyrocket your professional success including:

My secret tried and tested technique to help you feel more in control in an instant

A simple tool to help you manage your emotions when you feel like you’re about to break

A powerful phrase guaranteed to help you feel less intimidated when you need it most
My fool-proof method to being less reactive and more strategic

Grab the Free Guide

I have spoken with so many women who feel “less than” or intimidated by more senior members of their organisation. I have seen the chaos when the most important leaders come to visit.

Now I know how the corporate machine works. I understand there are a lot of politics and optics you need to be careful of. But some of the best conversations I’ve had with senior leaders in the organisations I worked in were on personal topics. Like family and fashion!

I remember having a conversation with a very senior leader all about her love of Anne Klein trousers as I brought up the topic of fashion with her. She told me that it was refreshing to talk about “normal” things over lunch rather than business talk.

The same thing goes for your own boss. Behind that professional persona, there is a real person. That little boy or little girl still lives inside. See beyond the hierarchy and remember, they are just like you.

In the free guide that comes with this episode 4 Secrets to gain more control and implement strategies to excel in your career I share a little hack that my mother taught me to get over those feelings of inferiority or intimidation.