#53 The Best Bits of The Powerhouse Revolution Podcast

The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 53, 28 December 2022 by Lucy Gernon

Are you reflecting on the year gone by?

We are! Today, we are bringing you the best bits from the Powerhouse Revolution Podcast.
This includes many golden nuggets from amazing guests as well as actionable tips and advice from Lucy.

As you know, at this time of year it is so important to really sit down and reflect on the past year, as well as planning ahead for next year. People’s lives can change immensely in one year for better and for worse. It is so important to do this self reflection yearly as it will ensure you are not bringing negative habits or vibrations into the brand new year with you.

You probably already have an idea of the changes you would like to implement in order for you to thrive next year. Will you be putting yourself first more? Will you work on your boundaries? Will you stand up for yourself? Or maybe you want to carve more time out to spend with friends and family?

It was Christmas time last year when I left my corporate career to focus on my business full time. I had built it up, I had made loads of mistakes, I had pushed myself beyond belief out of my comfort zone doing things I never thought possible. And now my life is totally different.

And now today, I have a thriving business that I love. I get to support amazing women in leadership just like you. And I just feel so so grateful.

You can achieve anything you put your mind to, also. No goal or achievement you aim for is too big so push yourself out of your comfort zone and create those boundaries in order to help you succeed.

In the meantime, let’s reflect on 2022.

Look back at all your achievements big and small. What did you overcome mentally this year? What did you overcome personally this year? What can you be proud of? Don’t forget to pause and to really celebrate your success because that will raise your vibrational energy, and you will attract more good things into your life, this is scientifically proven.

As mentioned, on today’s Powerhouse Revolution episode, we are going to be sharing some of the 2022 best bits. Topics include setting boundaries, creative visualization, strategies for success, and so much more.

I will talk to you in 2023. Enjoy.

Here’s episode at a glance:

[3:33] How to set personal boundaries

[5:51] Take control of your inner critic and negative self talk

[9:34] Are you a perfectionist or a high achiever?

[15:26] How to show yourself more compassion with Ailbhe Harrington

[21:20] Why letting your colleagues know about your lack of capacity is so important

[23:30] How to manage conflict between team members

[26:25] Create the future you desire – Creative Visualisation with Keith Barry

[31:54] Why defining your values is so important for inner happiness with Niall ‘Bressie’ Breslin

[34:20] How to create your personal brand to excel in your career

[38:12] The 2 things you can do to stop work related guilt

Why not send this episode to three women in leadership in your network that you know would absolutely love this podcast? I rely on you to help me to get the word out there and I would be so grateful. You’ll be giving your colleagues a gift. 

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