Welcome to the powerhouse Revolution Podcast. I’m Lucy Gernon, ex-corporate leader turned CEO of my dream business, helping corporate female leaders just like you to create your dream career and life. At 40 I quit the corporate world as I was tired of doing a job that no longer led me up and wanted to live my life my way. I created the power house Revolution podcast, to give you simple, actionable tips and strategies to help you create the perfect career and lifestyle that you and your family deserve. So if you’re a corporate female leader or manager who is ready to step into her superpowers and live the life you were born to live, you are definitely in the right place. Because life is way too short to dread Mondays. Okay, let’s jump into today’s episode.
Hi, there gorges and welcome back to another episode of the powerhouse Revolution podcast. It is all going down over here in powerhouse revolution HQ, I swear, my business is growing so rapidly, I am so so so grateful, and to each and every one of you who support this podcast and tell your colleagues and it just makes me so so grateful. So I just wanted to start with a little bit of gratitude. And for you right now, I want you to think about three things that you’re grateful for. Because you know, I am an advocate for gratitude, because a lot of people think it’s woowoo, or it’s fluffy. But actually, it’s been scientifically proven over and over and over again, that when you practice gratitude, you raise your vibrational energy. When you raise your vibrational energy, you attract more good things into your life. And I know this to be true, for sure. So what are you grateful for? And if you’re struggling right now, you might be saying, well, not really sure. Think about something you’re grateful for about your environment, something you’re grateful for about somebody else, and something you’re grateful for about yourself, because you have a lot to be grateful for in terms of your brain, your body and everything that you do in this world. So have a little reflection. Now today, I want to talk to you about something that I know you struggle with from time to time, because if you’re human, you’re gonna struggle with procrastination. So procrastination can happen for various different reasons. Sometimes it can, you can procrastinate, because you’re not just not in the mood. Sometimes you can procrastinate because you’re a perfectionist, and you’re afraid you’ll get it wrong. And sometimes you can procrastinate, if you just don’t like doing something that’s part of your role. Can you relate? Because I certainly can. I’m going to tell you a quick story before I give you some tips on this. So anyone who knows me and if you’ve listened to my podcast before, or you followed me on social media, if you don’t already come over to LinkedIn and Instagram, I chose Lucy garden comm follow come say hi. You’ll know that I absolutely detest finances, I cannot stand anything to do with numbers, crunching numbers, spreadsheets, line items, if it’s numerical, I just I really just can’t deal. Not my strong point. Now in my past life, I was actually responsible for capital projects. So finance was part of the role. And I hated every second of it, I used to have to psych myself up every quarter to sit down and do these reviews got my numbers. And it really uses up my energy. And then when I moved into my own business, of course, I had to step into the role of CFO because they don’t have a CFO yet. I have my accountant, of course, but I was responsible for the finances, in terms of looking at my performance, my profit and loss, all those kinds of things. So I noticed that myself that I was like, it just really was sucking the life out of me. But yet, it was something I had to do. So I came up with a couple of little things that I do when I need to do something that I really, really, really don’t want to do, and I’m going to share them with you today. So the first tip I would give you is to delegate it, okay. So if you can delegate it, please please do now I had just said to school with the example I shared about my own business finances. I had a limiting belief that I had to do all of that because it was my business. But I’ve since realized that it’s actually sucking that much energy from me that it’s just not worth it. So I am now outsourcing that to my accountant. So that just gives me a lot of relief. It gives me a lot of energy back because I’ve been paying attention to my energy for the last couple of years when it comes to this stuff. And I’ve realized it’s just not where my strength lies. So why would I put myself through doing something that I don’t want to do? So it’s the same for you. You have to pay attention to your energy but because when you are doing something that you are strong at, that’s aligned with your strengths, that’s aligned with the reason you’re in your role, your purpose on this earth, you’re going to feel in flow state, you’re going to feel positive, you’re going to feel high vibe, you’re going to look forward to the task for the most part. But if you consistently notice yourself, feeling zapped of energy, and really like procrastinating on doing something, like the first thing you need to do is actually challenge your thinking and say, Can I delegate it? Okay? If the answer is no, move on to tip number two.
So I did this recently, when I had to do my quarterly financial review, I was literally I can’t even tell you how long I put this off. I was like, I’ll just do it tomorrow. Didn’t do it tomorrow. But I found that it was easier for me to procrastinate at home, because I work at home for the most part. And I would get distracted. And I would find reasons not to do it. So what I decided to do was to change scenery. So I took myself off to Costa Coffee, which is down the road from my house, I set myself an intention that I was going to be there for 90 minutes. And I was gonna get this financial stuff done. And because I set myself an intention, when I went in there, it just felt different. I was going in there to get this done. And I wasn’t leaving until it was done. And my energy because I had done that was in just a completely different space. So if you know you need to do something right now, and you’ve been putting it off, I would suggest change scenery. So go to a different office, or sit in your back garden, sit in your conservatory, go to a coffee shop, and just get really intentional that you’re going to get done. The next tip I would give you is to use concentration music. So I go on to YouTube, and I listen to certain different concentration music’s like alpha waves and things like that, because it literally signifies to my brain. Okay, we’re in work mode. Now. This means when the headphones go on, or the air pods go in, it means I’m doing this. So I only use that concentration music where I need to do something that, like I am literally signaling to my brain, this means you cannot get distracted. So I would definitely recommend you try that. The next thing I would recommend is make it fun. Okay. So again, when it comes to doing things at work, sometimes we can make it also serious. And we can think even if it’s a problem, right? Even if it’s like the biggest problem in the world, there’s still a way you can try and make it fun. So like I set myself a little challenge, for example, to say, Okay, I’m gonna get this done in 90 minutes. And I tried to kind of make it like a bit of a bit of a game in my head. So I was checking the timer every 15 minutes. And I was going yes, I’m beating the time. And it’s just it’s called gamification. And it’s been proven again, from, from the science of positive psychology, when you are in that kind of a state, you’re actually here, if you’re in better mood, you’re going to get it done faster, and you’re actually going to get done better. And then the last tip I would give you if you’re procrastinating doing something, you know you should is to apply future pacing. So I had a client not too long ago, and she had a very, very senior role, financial role, and she had to do certain reviews. Now, a lot of the reviews were regulatory kind of compliance checks. And a lot of it was nonsensical. She didn’t want to have to do it, but it was part of the role. So when I worked with her, of course, I went through my steps. I said, Okay, can you delegate this? And she said, No, I’m the final approval, I have to go through this. Now for every single client she was working with, I think there was like 200 line items that she had to kind of go through. And she really, really dreaded this task. So what I suggested to her him, which really works for her is to apply future pacing. So future pacing is where you imagine yourself when you have done the task. So really feel into what would it feel like if I was to actually get this done in the next 60 minutes, 90 minutes. And you’re going to be saying, well, I’d
feel so relieved, I’d feel so much lighter, I’d feel so much more accomplished. So really hold on to that feeling. And use that to fuel you to actually get the job done. Because I’m sorry, my friend, procrastination is the enemy of progress. It really, really is. And actually, your mental well being software is when you procrastinate. So you’ve got to take action. And I hope that the tips I gave you today, we’ll help you. So just to recap, the five tips I gave you was step number one is try to delegate if you can at all, challenge your thinking. If it’s really sucking the life out of you. It’s not what you’re supposed to be doing on this earth. See, can you delegate it if you can’t apply the next steps? So you could try to change scenery, go to a coffee shop, go to a different office, sit in your back garden, whatever just a change of location which is signifying to your brain okay, I’m in the zone now. The third thing you can try is to use some concentration music. So again, for me, I love to listen to like alpha brainwaves. And you just go on to YouTube. Like I said, just type in concentration music, this mute this these kind of sounds have been, you know, they’re the actual vibrational frequency that you need to kind of get into that level kind of level headed state. So that’s why those though they work. Another thing that I like to do sometimes is I listen to peaceful piano. And that’s what works for me. So think about what will work for you, it might just actually be uplifting music, but I would definitely say get something in your ears, if that will work. The fourth thing then is to try and make it fun. So gamify it give yourself a set yourself a timer, try to keep it a little bit upbeat and have a bit of fun with this. And finally apply future pacing, meaning you’re going to be imagining yourself in the future when you have actually reached that goal. And I promise you that can be super, super powerful. So that was it for this week’s short, snappy episode. I hope you find it valuable. If you did, can you please pop on and just give me a review, I would so so appreciate it. Because every single review on Apple or Spotify, or anyone you tell about this podcast really, really helps me grow the podcast, which in turn helps me grow my business, which in turn helps me feed my children and pay my mortgage. So I would be unbelievably grateful. I cannot do this without your support. And if you like what I do, please support. So that is it. I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful rest of your week and I’ll talk to you again same time, same place next week.