Hi, there and welcome back to the powerhouse Revolution podcast. Can you believe that we are almost in December, I cannot believe 2022 is over, can you it’s been such a crazy, crazy year for everybody. You’ve probably been readjusting to hybrid working and all the complexities that I’ve gone through that a lot of companies are laying off people and other people are recruiting frantically trying to find the right people for roles. There’s just been so so much going on. And it’s so so easy to really lose sight of yourself when you’re in those kinds of situations, isn’t it? I know for me, this year has just been absolutely wonderful. I’ve been on such a steep learning curve as I’ve only been in my business for the last two years or so.
This year in particular was the first year I actually was doing this full time. So for me when I think of this time last year, I was still working in the corporate world. And I had built my business on the side I had, you know, amazing clients that I had worked with. And literally this time last year, I was frantically trying to create amazing resources for my programme powerhouse revolution. I was creating planners, I was creating training videos, I was creating tools and resources to be able to support you. It’s just so so crazy how much things can change in a year, when you just take action. And when you back yourself. Like when I was going to leave my corporate role, I felt so so scared, I was totally overwhelmed. And I really was I just needed direction I was kind of looking around going okay, I know that I’m very confident in what I do. I know I can get you know, women in leadership results because I had done it obviously before for myself and for all of my clients. But I kind of needed direction. I had an idea of where I wanted to go. But I wasn’t entirely sure.
So this time last year, I did two things. I put myself first I hired a private coach to help hold me accountable. And to show me, I suppose the skills and tools I was missing. And then I also joined a group programme to learn a little bit more about marketing and things like that, because that was all totally new to me. And by doing that, I suppose now fast forward a year, I have an amazing business that fulfils me and makes a huge impact in women’s lives. I can’t even tell you how rewarding it is. And this is not to be conceited, but I more than replaced my corporate salary in less than six months. And the reason that happened was because I took imperfect action. I knew what I wanted. And I did not listen to my inner critic, I moved outside my comfort zone, I got visible online, you’re gonna see me everywhere that was also difficult to do. So I just want you to remember that sometimes when you look at people online, you might potentially look at me and think I’m really confident and I am confident. But I still battle with my inner critic every single day. But the difference is, is that I don’t listen, I have learned to train my mind to be able to just get out of my own way. So I suppose the moral of the story is had I accepted where I was and just hoped that someday, you know, I would get a promotion or that my ideal clients would find me I’d still be where I was.
Change comes when you move outside your comfort zone. So for you, we are in the final month of 2022. And I’d like you just to pause for a second and ask yourself, are you where you want to be? Do you feel happy and content with your career? How is your work life balance? Do you frequently feel overwhelmed and overworked? Or maybe you just feel a bit mad? And I want you to ask yourself if you were in the same place you are now in six months from now would To be happy. So if you answered no, why wouldn’t you do something about that? I know that you are so busy in your job. I know so many of my clients, you know, some of my clients have children. Some of my clients don’t have any children, but they might have parents to take care of, or other responsibilities outside work.
And one thing I hear time and time again, from women is that I don’t have time. But nothing, you’re never going to have more time, you’re always only going to have 24 hours in a day. And it’s so so important that you learn to be I suppose, firstly, to optimise your time, which is something that I teach, and, but that really, that you deserve to actually give some of your time to yourself.
So I want to give you three reasons that now is the only time for you to focus on making changes. If you’re not happy, you’ve got to do something. So the first thing is, is that tomorrow is not guaranteed. You know this, I know this, but do you really know this? Not to be morbid, but the graveyard is full of people who thought they had tomorrow. This year alone, I’ve seen all friends sadly passed away at a young age having not fulfilled or potential money have died with regrets. We’ve seen war destroyed, destroy lives, and we’ve seen COVID change our world forever. So I encourage you to ask yourself, if you’re not happy, what exactly are you waiting for? Nothing is gonna happen unless you do something.
The second reason is, is that, and this is the exciting reason is that you get to create your reality through your actions. You don’t have to wait for something to happen for you. You can make anything happen with the right mindset, the right strategy and the right support. So stop waiting for your boss to offer you that promotion or for things to calm down before you finally take back control of your work life balance, things will never come down. Or maybe you’re hoping that you one day you’ll wake up and you’ll just feel more content and more confident. That’s not going to happen unless you learn the skills and tools you’re missing. Unless you take action. There’s never a right time to focus on yourself. And if you want something to change, you got to take action now to make changes. You’ve got to learn the soft skills and tools you’re missing, no one else is going to do for you.
And then the third reason is: New New Year new you is fast approaching. And there’s never a better time than the New Year to set goals. And use that New Year New you momentum to keep things going. But most people every January go right: this year I’m gonna lose weight, or I’m definitely gonna get a promotion, or I’m definitely going to do something different. And you’re all gung-ho in the first month of the year. But many studies have shown that most people forget all about their goals come February, you might fill out your development plan at work, staring blankly at those fields, wondering what you’re supposed to include and really what you even want to achieve right? You might throw down a few things to take the box and satisfy HR or your boss. But do you ever really pause to think and reflect about what you truly want? Do you see that you are capable of so much more than you are currently achieving? Do you see that you deserve to have it all. Because I believe that success, balance and happiness are possible with the right strategy and the right support and the right attitude to do something different.
So if this resonates with you, you have two options right now. You can listen to this podcast and you can say to yourself, god, she’s right. But go back to your job and do nothing about it. And then find yourself looking at other people feeling jealous, feeling envious of where they are having done nothing. Or you can listen to your gut and you can take action. And if your God is screaming at you to listen and do something different, but you’re unsure how to figure this out alone, or you’re unsure how you’re going to make all this happen with everything else you’ve got going on. I can help you figure this out. So if you’re listening to this live, which is on things like the 30th of November, I have just opened the doors to my one to one VIP coaching experience powerhouse revolution. And if you’re ready and committed to making changes for yourself, I want to work with you. I’m taking on six new clients now to start in January. Now this programme is for you if you want to go from feeling overwhelmed, stuck frustrated with your current situation, to feeling more in control calm, happy and content If you want to figure out what it is you actually want and how someone holds you accountable to achieve it. If you want to master your inner critic, and learn to handle your emotions better, if you want to learn skills and tools to help you be more strategic, have you manage your time more effectively achieve your goals and the soft skills you’re missing 200 conflict like a pro to build better relationships at work, and to stand out as a great leader by learning how to get the most from your team, and so much more. If you want to become unstoppable in leadership and in life in 2023. And most importantly, if you’re willing to invest in yourself back yourself and put in the work to make it happen. I want to work with you. So if you’ve been thinking about reaching out for a while, please do yourself a favour and just do it today. My favourite clients are the ones who listened to my podcast because you already get it. You get the importance of developing yourself professionally and personally. That’s why you listen to this right. I want to work with you. Don’t let fear hold you back any longer. I promise you I have a proven roadmap to help you achieve more in stress less in leadership and in life. Like my client Chang who said after a few short weeks, I have much more belief and trust in your in myself. I learned to let go of self doubts be a better leader get more organised and control that internal George I’ve battled with for years, Lucy makes you feel that nothing is impossible. And I feel like a new woman to the shy self deprecating person you first met. I don’t just feel like I’m saying goodbye to the best coach I’ve ever had. But I feel like I’m saying goodbye to one of my best friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Life starts at the end of your comfort zone. And then there’s my client, Francis who said, I now have the tools to help me set better boundaries and understand other people, I can see lots of possibilities. I no longer have expectations of other people. And I had the courage to move into a new role. Potter stopped procrastinating your own happiness in life and in your career. The powerhouse revolution experience with Lucy is a fantastic personal investment opportunity. We are all for all the people pleasers out there, allow yourself to focus on yourself for a change, we are worth it forever grateful. So when you take action, and when you back yourself, your life and career can look and feel very, very different. Again, like I said, You’ve got to be willing to get out of your comfort zone and just invest in yourself, you will get where you want to be. Now I’m not gonna lie, I am you might be thinking to yourself, Oh God, this sounds like a lot of work. And it is. This stuff is not easy, because it requires you to be disciplined. It requires you to actually carve out time for yourself. It requires you to take action when you don’t want to. So don’t expect this to be working. I walk in the park, you’ve got to be ready to invest an hour a week in yourself over the course of a few weeks and get ready to take action, just push yourself. But the good thing is is that you will have me in your corner, I’ll be your biggest cheerleader, I’ll be your biggest teacher, I’ve given you everything that you need, including the tools and the support. Don’t you deserve that? Don’t you deserve to figure things out and feel happier in yourself? Don’t you deserve to be unstoppable and achieve your goals and dreams. So if you’re saying yes to yourself, I encourage you to reach out to me now. And here are three ways you can do this. The first thing you can do is you can DM me or send it to me in chat DM me the word powerhouse on Instagram or on LinkedIn. I’ll just explain more about the programme and we can see if we’re a good fit to work together. You can of course talk to me to the second thing you can do is you can click the link in the show notes on my website and complete a short application form to work with me. And the third thing you can do is if you’re listening to this on Spotify or Apple podcasts, if you just go to this description, you will see a link and you again it will lead you to apply to work with me. I won’t be taking on any new clients after this for a while so don’t miss your chance. He really really deserved this my friend. And even if you have decided, You know what, I’m listening to Lucy and she’s right. But I can do this by myself. I so want you to do this, okay, I want you to make your plan. I want you to get really clear on what it is you want. Identify the gaps and then learn what you need to learn to be able to bridge those gaps so that this time next year you are going to be feeling a whole lot better. You’re going to be feeling so much I suppose. I suppose happier in who you are and be really really proud that you backed yourself because you my friend absolutely deserved to have it all. So that is it for today’s episode. I really, really hope I’ve inspired you to take some sort of action, whether that’s working with me or just getting out your pen and paper and getting clear on what you want and then just making your plan. I really hope I’ve given you food for thought And that’s really eight until today. So if you have until today, that makes no sense. Until next time, if you do have any questions, of course, you know before if you do want to invest and work with me, and what I always do is after you apply to work with me and I read your form, and I make sure that you know, I think I can actually support you because I would never work with somebody if I didn’t think I could support them. And I will be in touch and we will have you can book your free complimentary breakthrough call with me so we can have a chat on like, make sure that this is actually going to work for you. So there’s absolutely no risk Just have a think but do not think any more than 24 hours. That’s something really, really important. I want you to set yourself a deadline because you can think and think and think and think and once those six spots are gone, they’re gone on you’re gonna have to wait another few months before I’ll be open up the doors again. So that’s it. Until next time, take care of yourself. Bye for now.