How to Step into Confident Strategic Leadership as a Female Director/VP Without Sacrificing Balance 31st Jan @1pm GMT
#36 3 Secrets to Achieve More and Stress Less in Your Leadership Career
The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 36, 31 August 2022 by Lucy Gernon
Do you want to stress less and achieve more in leadership and life?
Have you ever wondered how to stress less in order to achieve more in your role?
As a woman leader, you have a lot of plates spinning and may begin to feel overwhelmed.
If you discover how to alleviate your stress, you will have a clearer mind and in turn, more success will come for you and your team.
This applies to both your career and personal life. Although sometimes necessary, stress can become a burden and the ability to notice and reduce triggers can change everything.
Now that summer is over, the final quarter of the year is here and it is time to get focused and organised.
But that end-of-year pressure is on and you may feel a slight tinge of overwhelm overcoming you.
”How can I finish this year on a high with amazing results and team satisfaction?”
“Am I spending enough time with my family or am I working too much?”
“I’m so busy thinking about work I don’t know if I locked the front door before I left this morning”
“What day of the week even is it??”
But have you ever stopped and thought about how to change things?
Maybe you have and just don’t know where to begin.
Ask yourself what YOU want. If you start working on yourself now, you can end 2022 on a high which will impact those around you positively.
Do you want more me time? To stop losing sleep over work or to improve your work-life balance?
In this week’s episode of the Powerhouse Revolution podcast, you’ll learn:
[04:55] The single most important thing you must do to have more time for yourself
[10:00] How to ignite the creative part of your brain to think more clearly
[11:36] How to take back control of your mind when you’re in a funk