Happy Wednesday, I hope you’re doing well my friend and welcome back to another episode of the Powerhouse Revolution podcast. If it’s not Wednesday, happy whatever day it is to you. But if you’re listening in the day, the podcast is live. It is Wednesday. So it is now January 2023. And if you’re like me, this is your first week full week back at work. So how are you feeling? How was your Christmas break? Are you feeling energised? Are you feeling depressed to be back at work, let me know. But always just remember that, you know, I always love the new year and a lot of us do, because it really is that kind of mental, I suppose you’ve got this kind of mental energy or new positive energy going into the new year. And I think it’s something really, really important to channel. So keep that momentum up. And I think today I was going to talk to you a little bit about developing your own team. Because before we get into the whole madness of the rest of the year, it’s really really important as you know, as a leader to to develop your team. Yet many leaders aren’t really sure how to actually have proper development conversations. And I remember so many times I’d be you know, in conversations with different monitors and bosses over the years. And that asked me things like you know, what you want to do in your career, or, like, I have no idea. But they didn’t have the tools to be able to coach me through or to help me to pull out my answers, which is what I’m going to talk to you about today. So I’m going to be talking to you today about the GROW Model of coaching and how to use it to develop your team. So if you haven’t already, you will probably be right in the middle of end of year reviews. And given those appraisals from 2022. On setting I suppose career goals, not career goals, business goals for 2023. And I know sometimes as a leader, you’ve got so many business deliverables, that it’s easy to focus on all the tangible business goals like hitting certain KPIs and metrics and outputs. And sometimes when it comes to development, it definitely goes on the back burner for a lot of leaders unless you work in HR. And a lot of leaders see this kind of team development does that, you know, if you’re like anything that I worked in, where you’ve got your systems, and you have your nine box, great, and then you pick out your best people, and you might spend a bit more time with them. But really everyone on your team needs you. That’s your job as a leader to develop your team. So I want you to, I suppose, allow yourself afford yourself the time and space to actually give to your team. Because the most rewarding thing in the world is if you spend some time with your team members, and you develop them and help them to grow and to expand, it’s super, super rewarding. And it’s why I love doing what I do with my clients as well. So how do you do it?
So I’m going to talk to you like I said about the growth model of coaching. Growth stands for goal or is reality which is current reality. All is far obstacles or options. And w is four way forward or will. And I love this model because it is very, very simple. And it was originally developed by Sir John Whitmore and his associates I think was back in the 70s of the 80s. So it’s kind of like you’re taking your team member on a journey. So first of all, you need to understand where you’re going, then you need to get clear on where you are on that map right now. Then you need to kind of explore the different options, how you might actually achieve that goal or get to that destination on that map. And then the final I suppose the final step, which is establishing the will to really make sure that your team member and yourself are committed to the journey and that you’re prepared for the obstacles that are most likely going to present themselves on the way to that goal. So firstly, If you’re in a development conversation with your team member, it should feel very, very different to a normal one, the business conversation on money leaders are using one to ones to touch base on business objectives and business updates. But a development one to one which you should be having I recommend, once a month is plenty once a month to check in on development. And should it be a 30 minute conversation focused purely on your team members development. So at the start of the year, it’s really good to use the scroll model.
So the first step is obviously G for the goals. So you need to help your team member and yourself, you both need to align on the goal. So that might mean looking at where they need to develop. So do they need to work on the communication skills? Do they need to improve their visibility? Do you want them to take on more responsibility? What do they want to work on? Like? What lights them up? Where do they feel they’re in their zone of genius? Where are they most happy? Because again, when you’re operating in your strengths, and in your zone of genius, you’re going to get far more from your team than if you’re giving them jobs that they really don’t like. So I think it’s really important that you need to align on the goal. So pick the development goal. And then I suppose you need to agree on I suppose the smart, it’s a SMART goal, it needs to be smart. So it needs to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound. So again, you do all these smart goals for projects and things, but really coach your team member through the whole smart process. So specifically, let’s say for example, you want your team member to work on it, no confidence. So you notice that your team member, kind of shiz away from conflict or in meetings doesn’t tend to give their opinion, for example, that’s definitely an area for development. So you want to be specific on that. And you want to say, Okay, let’s work together on this. And you want to ask them you need their buy in? So you want to ask them okay, like how do you feel about when you’re in meetings? Like do you? What do you think you could do better? For example? So you want to get them on board? And then you need to make sure Okay, so what would be a great outcome? If you were to feel more confident? What where would you like to show up in meetings? For example, Mary might say, I want to be able to be more articulate, you go great.
Okay. So how would we know if you were being more articulate? So you want to be able to measure it? So you’re forcing them to think about what articulate means to them. And then you need to make sure it’s attainable for them. So you need to kind of then understand the you know, what specific like, do you think you can actually do this? And then we get into obstacles and all that jazz? And when do you want to kind of be be kind of doing this? Okay? So you want to be using a coaching approach when you’re establishing your goals. So obviously, as a leader, you want to be given your team member goals, but also they have their own goals, and they have their own insecurities and development needs. And they also have career aspirations that you need to support. So you want to get really tangible, SMART goal with them, okay, and coach them through it and ask them things like, you know, okay, great. Does this this goal that we’re working on now? Is this actually aligned with where you see your career going? And is it aligned with our team objectives and the business objectives? So you want to ask them questions like that to get them really thinking about the goal, and how it fits in not only with their development needs, but also for their, the ir career and for your business as well.
The second step, then is or so reality, what’s the current state? So then you might ask them, okay, great. So let’s go back to the confidence issue. Okay. So tell me about your current reality. So this is a really, really critical step. And if you’re multitasking, come back to me. So often, we set these, you know, crazy, not crazy, because everything is attainable. But you we set these goals without really understanding where we’re at, and the journey that we need to go on to actually get there. So we need you need to get your team member to explain how do you currently feel when you’re sitting in meetings? And what like, how does this affect you? What What have you already done to try to move towards feeling more confident in speaking up? Or for example, if you want your team member to take on an additional project or additional responsibilities, so you can delegate?
You might ask them things like, okay, what are the current What are your current What do you feel are your current gaps? You might equally ask them, What strengths do you have in this area that I don’t know about? Because you have so many gold mines on your team right now that you are not using?
I had a client last year who you know really didn’t want to delegate are held on to a lot of stuff. fond ended up going out on burnout. Because she was such a hard worker, she just, she just had this fear of kind of letting go, I think a little bit. And when she was actually out for a week, she couldn’t believe, who stepped up in her absence. She had people on her team that were doing things that she didn’t even though they were capable of, because they had the opportunity.
So you’d be so surprised that when you actually do delegate some things to team members who you think might not be competent, actually, you have team members right now who combined can do your job. So you need to start channelling that and and really, I suppose nurturing that. Because if you want to ever move on, or if you want to improve your work life balance, or you want to be more strategic and increase your visibility, you’ve got to start delegating, and to do that, you need to develop your team.
So the third step, then is to look at your options. So once an options and obstacles actually is the Oh, so really, okay, now you know where you’re going, then we have identified where you’re starting from on that map. And now we’re going to look at, okay, what are what are the pathways to get there? So, how, how might we get through this? Like, how might we build your confidence? What support do you need? And what obstacles are getting in your way currently? And who do you need, so like, this is where investment comes in. So for example, when it comes to the likes of confidence, absolutely, coaching is the way to go. Like, there’s no course you can kind of weather our confidence courses you can go on. But like if your team member is a high performer or somebody you want to develop, honestly, coaching is the way to go. Because as coaches, we’re trained to get to the root cause of the confidence issues to have, you know, help people to see possibilities that can see on their own to help them to build and all that jazz. So definitely coaching is something to consider a say for somebody like that. But whatever it is, you need to come up with the options to help them to get there. And then ask them, okay, so if you want to speak up, you feel like, okay, you need to start speaking up in these meetings a bit more great. We know now that you need to be more confident, okay, great. We know now that you’re going to do this course, or I’m going to I’m going to personally mentor you, whatever it is, or I’m going to, I’m going to invest in you and hire a coach, and what obstacles might get in your way of that. So you’re getting them to what’s called future pacing. So what we say in coaching, where you’re getting them to already think about, okay, next time I’m in that meeting, and I tried to speak up, how what might get in my way, and all of a sudden, someone’s face is going to flush, and it’s going to be like, Okay, well, there’s a certain person that intimidates me. So you want to try to help them to understand, I suppose their reasons and more obstacles might get in their way. And at this stage, you know, it’s really useful for you as a leader to if your team member does share vulnerability, and does share their reasons for feeling intimidated that you, you can offer suggestions, and you can share your stories. So, so powerful, so good for connection. And but do try to let them do most of the talking because you’re trying to kind of guide them to their own solutions without actually telling them.
And then the fourth step is the wills. So it’s establishing the wills. So really, by now you know where you’re going, you have examined the current reality, you’ve kind of worked out what options you have to get there. You’ve also spoken about the obstacles, and you’ve asked them powerful questions to help them to see it. Now they kind of feel like okay, well, maybe this is achievable, achievable, but this might not be great by itself. So in the model, they call it well, but I call it your why. So why is this so important for you? What’s the big reason? Like, what would you get from this? If you do that? So for example, if somebody speaks up more in a meeting, well, actually, they’re going to increase your visibility? Or if somebody takes on additional workload, again, visibility, career progression opportunities, and what does that give them? Well, does that give them a financial reward? That means that they can take care of their family that you need to get to the root of their big why, like, why is this so important for them? And ask them? So what is it about this? That’s so important for you? What would be different if you were able to speak up? Or what would you be different if you were doing this particular task? And then you might ask them, and what would that give you? What will be different in your home life, or it will be different in how you feel so your your future pacing them so that they can actually imagine what it might feel like to be in that and that alone can be enough to give somebody the kind of will but you’ve got to really make sure that they’re they’re connected to this particular goal that you’re setting for them, or that you’re setting together. So that’s a very quick synopsis of the GROW Model.
I hope you found it useful. So again, just very, very quickly recap. So if you’re multitasking come back to me. So the steps in applying the role model of coaching to a team development discussion are, number one, get clear on the goal. Number two, understand the current reality what where are they? Where are they starting on that map? Number three is assess the options that they have to get to that goal, and help them by using lots of powerful questions. And then also to ask them to uncover any obstacles that might get in their way so that they’re prepared for how they’re going to overcome those obstacles with your support. And number four, is that why you are that will I call it the big why? What would be different for them? If they had that? What’s the big why behind that? Like, what is it going to give them on you’re trying to get them motivated and get them connected to the reason for wanting it. And then they have far more, you’re far more likely that things are actually going to work. But that’s just the start of your journey as a leader. So you have now done a lovely supportive session with your team member. And now is where you need to commit to actually supporting and helping them. So your action today from this podcast again, if you’re multitasking, come back to me, I want you to ask your team members to set up monthly one to ones with you just 30 minutes, you can you can call it a 30 minutes, I promise you a deep 10 minute conversation of connection, showing you care about their development is far more beneficial than an hour looking at spreadsheets, and shooting the breeze talking about stuff. Okay, so you can do this in 30 minutes. So I challenge you today to set up those 30 minute one to ones once a month with each of your direct reports. And really focus on their development. And you’ll be so proud of yourself at the end of the year, when you have created more superstars on your team. So that is it for today’s episode. I hope that you found it useful as always. And if you did, can you please go and like and review and rate my podcast or send it to a friend because I’m on a mission this year in 2023 to really grow my podcast and I don’t rely on advertising or anything like that at the moment I rely on you. And you know, I give a lot of time to these podcasts to try to give you free content to inspire you to motivate you and really to help you in your career in your life. So I would love just I would just be so grateful if you could help me push this to more people just like you. So until next week, same time, same please, please have a wonderful, wonderful week and I will talk to you then.
Take care bye