How to Step into Confident Strategic Leadership as a Female Director/VP Without Sacrificing Balance 31st Jan @1pm GMT
#90 3 EPIC Transformations That Happen When You Work With Me
The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 90, 13 September 2023 by Lucy Gernon
Ready for EPIC transformations in your life?
I’ve had the honour of coaching so many amazing women from all corners of the world in my business over the past couple of years.
The best part? Seeing them break free from feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and not believing in themselves, to unlocking your true power. It brings me so much joy – I can’t even put it into words!
Together, we’ve worked on strategies for self-leadership and mastering their mindset. The result? Women like you have taken bold steps into their own strength and potential, crafting lives full of success, balance, and happiness.
I’m here to tell you that no matter how lost or stressed you might feel right now, that trio of success, balance, and happiness is within reach.
So in this episode, I want to do something a little different. Instead of me telling you about the results I’ve seen, I thought it would be even more impactful for you to hear some of my amazing clients’ exact words.
Here’s the episode at a glance:
[03:36] The Number 1 Strategy to Unleash Limitless Thinking Potential
[04:58] The Importance of Setting Boundaries
[07:37] The Transformative Changes You’ll Find When Working with Me
[18:47] Use This Proven Method To Cut Down On Work Hours
Prefer to read?
Welcome to the powerhouse Revolution Podcast. I’m Lucy Gernon, ex-corporate leader turned CEO of my dream business, helping corporate female leaders just like you to create your dream career and life. At 40 I quit the corporate world as I was tired of doing a job that no longer led me up and wanted to live my life my way. I created the power house Revolution podcast, to give you simple, actionable tips and strategies to help you create the perfect career and lifestyle that you and your family deserve. So if you’re a corporate female leader or manager who is ready to step into her superpowers and live the life you were born to live, you are definitely in the right place. Because life is way too short to dread Mondays. Okay, let’s jump into today’s episode.
Hello there lovely lady. And welcome back to another episode of the powerhouse Revolution Podcast. I am your host, Lucy here with you today for the next few minutes, hopefully to inspire and uplift you for the rest of your day, when I was thinking about what I might record for this week’s episode, I did a lot of reflection, we’re coming into the end of 2023. Now, we’re into the home street and I have had the pleasure of coaching hundreds of talented, driven and ambitious women from all around the world in my business over the last couple of years. I can’t even describe the joy I feel when I see you going from being stuck in your own head, feeling overwhelmed feeling like you’re not good enough feeling like you should be doing more to truly unlocking your power. Reaching your potential, having clarity, feeling joy and happiness again, and you know, feeling supported I honestly it makes me so, so happy. I’ve helped so many women to unlock the power within so that they accelerate their impact and potential all through my self leadership and mindset mastery systems so that they can build a life filled with success, balance and happiness. And my whole message to you lovely lady is that success, balance and happiness as possible, no matter how stuck or overwhelmed you’re feeling right now. So what I thought would be good today is I know I tell you a lot about some of the things that I do. But I thought it would be good for you to hear it directly from some of my clients, it’s really been hard for me to kind of whittle down the results because it’s kind of soul varies. But ultimately, I’ve kind of whittled it down to a few different results that most of my clients get when they work with me, depending on which one is front of mind. So yeah, today is going to be something a little bit different. And I’m just going to share some stories. So if it’s been a while since somebody read you a bedtime story, please allow your imagination to run miles. In fact, why not just pretend to a little kid again for a minute, why not just pretend that you have all of this pressure and just imagine yourself lying in your little bed? Well, you’re safe, you’re comfortable, you’re warm, and just allow yourself to dream as I share the stories in this episode. So like I said, I’m going to be sharing the life changing results that women leaders like you get when you work with me. So the very first one that came to mind is new opportunities and more money. So I’m going to share a story about one of my favorite clients and her name is Lisa. Lisa was an executive vice president in sales and marketing, who was really struggling with her confidence imposter syndrome. And her inner critic was taken up 100% of the space in her head. And this was manifesting for her in her body. Her physical health was struggling. Her mental health was struggling. Her well being wasn’t good. And her personal brand was being damaged. It was Lisa was just such a kind hearted, wonderfully smart, talented woman with so much good energy. But she just did not view her self this way until she started working with me. And when we finished working together she said that she one of the things that she learned most is that her feelings are valid. She was often told that she was too emotional. And I remember we did like this reframe when I was like, well, emotion to me is passion. So instead of her thinking, oh my god, I’m so emotional, which a lot of women are told, actually, no, let’s let’s just say we’re passionate. So that was a huge reframe for her and she realized that it was okay that she felt the way she did. She learned to recognize her thoughts and feelings and how to use tools that she learned to thoughtfully respond. I’m looking at her words here. She said she now thoughtfully responds, rather than reacts. And she said that just never served her or the situation. She’s saying to that She says I am more present, I’m able to work hard and then set boundaries and time for myself, my families and friends. I’m in a role I love and negotiated a 20% salary increase and equity in the company due to my newfound confidence and influencing skills. And what I love is the good ol husband and the family, not unlike the family to tell you how it is right. But her family and her husband said they’ve never seen her so happy. Now, I cannot even tell you, as a coach, the joy I feel when I see people change in their lives. Like when I hear that, you know, the women I work with, it’s impacting their kids, it’s impacting their family, and then to hear from their loved ones that they’ve never seen them know. So happy just, it’s so much more than leadership training for me. And I’m just again, going back to what Lisa said, she said the most impactful thing she learned is that there’s nothing wrong with her and that she’s strong, capable and confident. And charm SSU. Today, I asked her like what would you say to people who are considering working with me or have never worked with a coach before? And she said, if you’re considering investing to work with Lucy do it. Lucy is amazing a gift from God, she provides the right amount of support and directness. Yeah, I can be quite direct. But actually sorry, that’s really funny. Because I am very direct, but I am so empathetic and supportive because I don’t if I see my clients getting in their own way, like I just want the best for you. Like I think about my clients all the time. I’m like, I hope they’re okay. I hope they’re not you know, working now at 5am. I hope they’re not, they hope they’re switched off and actually enjoying their lives. So I need to be direct at times if I see you not doing what you want hired me to do. So going back to Lisa, finally she said chances are you never invest in yourself. So consider this as a one investment that will change your career path and your life. Thank you, Lisa, if you’re listening to this, I love you, I appreciate you. And I am so so glad that you’ve set those boundaries, and I hope you are enjoying your new role.
So that’s the first one. Okay, one thing from my clients, Lisa, I does dozens more I can share stories on who I have supported with new opportunities and to make more money in their careers. The second thing that you get when you work with me, which honestly is just for me, it’s a game changer. It’s everything, it’s more confidence. And I have a really heartwarming story to share with you that will I’m sure will leave you inspired and motivated. So I’m going to share a story of a client of mine called Susie. So before Susie and I started working together, she was in a pretty tough spot. She was working 70 hour work weeks, she was feeling completely burned out and literally counting down the days to retirement all at just 43. It was a really tough situation for her to be in. But she was determined to find a way out because she knew she just couldn’t go on. She was leading a team across multiple time zones, she had two small kids and she was now navigating just the ever increasing demands on women at her level, she was at VP level, and she just didn’t have any support she didn’t have anyone to turn to. And I get you know, I get emotional when I think about her because I remember us having conversations when she was in this space. And I could tell as a coach, I had so many tools and tactics and strategies and love and compassion and kindness so I could hold her and make her feel supported, while also given her really practical strategies that she could actually use in her job. And my job as the coach was to allow her to space to make a decision on whether or not to work with me would have killed me when she told me it wasn’t the right time. And I knew that things were gonna get worse for her, which they did. But thankfully, she came back to me pretty soon after she said no one said right, I’m gonna stop making excuses about having no time. Now is the time I’m ready to put myself first and I have never seen a more determined woman to make change. Her sleep was suffering. She was finding herself relying on medication just to get some rest. And she’s such a positive driven, smart, intellectual woman. But she was really struggling to spend quality time with her wonderful family. And it was so tough for her to juggle her career, her two young kids and her husband’s busy schedule and she just felt like she was losing herself on her passion for life. And that’s when she invested to work with me and the magic happened. We had a second call and she told me she knew instantly I could help her. I care so deeply about women leaders like you I live and breathe what I do. And once you are committed to making changes, I will not let you fail. I just want and what my client Suzy things changed in the best possible way because she decided to put herself first to stop making excuses like not having enough time or feeling guilty about investing and she just prioritize her own needs. Fast forward to the present day. And now she is in an incredibly good place, she has learned that having it all is absolutely possible. And she says that to me all the time, her self belief and confidence have skyrocketed. And as a result, she has found this beautiful balance between her work and family time. And that’s not all promotions are knocking at her door, she’s literally gone from feeling like she might have to step down to being sold out for promotion, and another role that really, really lights her up. And what makes me even happier is that there’s no more crazy weekend work, she’s taken time for herself, she’s joined a running club, she’s invested to work with me longer to keep her on the right path. And she’s even signed up to run a marathon. That is what I call a transformation. But you might be wondering, well, what exactly empowered her to make these changes? How did she go from being completely not really burnt out to where she is now. And it’s very, very simple. First thing, she made a decision that she was going to make a change. And second of all the coaching the tools and the tactics, I taught her like how to actually effectively prioritize and delegate effectively setting realistic goals and standards for herself. She’s a massive fan of my monthly CEO power hour, how to like get more from her team without squeezing them so many things. But the most powerful lesson she learned was this. And that is that she holds the key to her own transformation. And it’s the same for you to no more excuses, just like Susie, she has become her own catalyst for change. And seeing her newfound confidence and self worth blossom was an absolute joy. I am so so proud of her growth and commitment to invest in herself. And it really is just a beautiful reminder that when you make a decision to make changes in your career in your life, and when you watch, they say when you pay, you pay attention, you can listen to this podcast all you want, and you will take little bits, but trust me, when you put your hard earned dollar behind some working with somebody like me, you pay attention. And when you pay attention, you do more work for yourself. And when you do the work for yourself, you get results. And I asked Suzy I said what would you say to other people who are considering working with me? Because I know what can be scary? Like you don’t know me? You don’t really I suppose you’re learning maybe to trust me? Should I do it? Should I not do it, I was exactly the same with my coaches. But she said that when you invest in yourself to work with Lucy, it pays you back tenfold in better health and a happier life. So my lovely lady Life is too short, to sacrifice time with loved ones other things that bring you joy. If you are feeling like Suzy was it is time for you to commit to finding that balance. And if you need some support, I promise you, I’m here for you. And if you’re like Lucy, I want this but I really can’t do it alone. Working with me might be just what you need. So I invite you to apply to work with me if you are in a leadership role, and you are ready to put yourself first so that you can unlock your potential so that you can accelerate your impact and achieve that success, balance and happiness that you so deserve. So just go to Lucy forward slash apply. I’ll link it below here in the shownotes. And it will be first to hear when a spa opens up to work with me. One thing I want you to know is you’re not alone. And I really hope the stories that I’m sharing with you today make you feel that because so many women when they come to work with me or they fill out a form they say I thought I was the only one I didn’t want to look stupid reached out to you. I didn’t know other women struggled with imposter syndrome. I didn’t know that other women struggle with work life balance because they looked like they have it all together. I promise you not everybody does. And that’s exactly what I’m an expert in. I’m an expert in transforming mindsets in helping you with work life balance, I am the structure and productivity queen. Okay, I have systems and tools and tactics and methods for everything. So just trust me, you are going to get so much structure when you work with me, you’re just going to love it. So if you are committed to make changes, and if you’re ready to stop making excuses about time and allow fear to stop you from creating the career and life you want, I want to work with you. So like I said, I will leave the short the link in the show notes to apply wherever you’re listening to this podcast or you can just go to my website Lucy forward slash apply. And I look forward to seeing your application coming in. So another life changing result of course that people get when they work with me and I’ve alluded to it already is is just better balance. Okay, so definitely I help women get more money, new opportunities be better leaders, more confidence and more certainty in who they are. And ultimately this leads to better balance. So another story is one of my clients Fiona who is Dorje, she was another senior leader in a major global firm, who was really drowning and crazy work hours and stress. Before she started working with me, her life was a total whirlwind. The long hours were taking a toll on her sleep, her relationships. And really, she said her overall work module, she found it hard to push back on extra responsibilities. And some folks were just slacking off and leaving her to pick up the pieces. But she didn’t have the know how or the confidence or the belief to push back. But fast forward a few weeks. It’s a whole new Fiona, her best friend noticed it right away and said that her face looked less gray. I mean, for my best friend. That’s a total compliment, right? Her energy levels have shot through the roof. And honestly, she’s glowing. She’s like a different person, like, like a different person. There is no more dragging herself out of the bed. She’s refreshed and raring to go in the morning. She has had I’ve taught her tools to set boundaries, not even when I say Todd tools, like I have tools, but it’s more than mindset shifts and the accountability and support to actually take the action that you know you need to take. That’s what you get when you work with me. So you stop procrastinating. Unlike my client, Fiona, she said that she feels like time has actually multiplied when she thought it was scarce, because she’s getting way more done in less time, because she’s not as tired. She has gone into work with a clear plan. Thanks to the methods I’ve taught her on how to manage workload. And she is like doing less, doing less. And she’s delivering more all while cutting back a whopping 30 hours of overtime a month. Like can you believe that? And all of this means that she’s sleeping better. She has more time for yoga, more time for reading and the things she loves. Okay. So honestly, when I asked her like the biggest things that she got from it, she said that she was just really, I suppose dumbfounded at the boundaries piece, because her biggest fear was that when she set boundaries that you know, she wanted to be seen as helpful. She wanted to deliver top notch results for her clients and for her company. But guess what happened? By setting the her boundary she taught her colleagues and her people in her world her clients to uplevel their game to like she even pushed back with her clients. Because just because you have clients or customers doesn’t mean they run the show, okay? Like when you work with me, I have strict boundaries because I value my time and I value your time I value structure. But what I love is that my clients tell me that when they work with me because of how I work and encourages them to do the same. So Fiona said it was like resetting of relationships at work when she set boundaries, and she’s earned even more respect and credibility in the process. So boundaries are not about not being collaborative, or being siloed. It’s the complete opposite. Okay, it’s the complete opposite boundaries are just your personal rules for how you like to work, which then when people know that the game they know the rules of the game, they can play it right. So my fabulous Fiona, if you are listening, you are a total powerhouse. And I wish you nothing but success bonds and happiness in the future. I have another story to share on work life balance, like I could let you be here for a month, but I’ll just share this one. This is from another incredible lady called Olivia. She was a busy engineer responsible for delivering big initiatives in her company. She was hustling like crazy putting in 60 hour work weeks, I mean totally dedicated. But here’s the thing. She was feeling the burnout, big time. There was no time to switch off at night. She was online 24/7 That was her reality. She was juggling work family, and somehow she just neglected herself in the process. And it wasn’t just the workload that got to her. She just felt this constant pressure to be perfect as a professional as a wife and as a mom. But deep down. When we work together, she realized it was all due to her own limiting beliefs. She was doubting herself and feeling like she wasn’t enough. And let me tell you, it was wearing her down, leaving her restless and exhausted. She was a total boss at work. But in her mind, she wasn’t good enough. And when things didn’t go her way, she got negative, snapping her colleagues and her loved ones. Even walking into meetings. She was in the wrong headspace, terrified of not having all the answers. But then she decided to take control of her life and invest in herself to work with me. And that’s when the magic happened. I shared my proven strategies and practical tools with her and she trusted me. And with these new tools, she unlocked a whole new level of productivity. She was able to keep her cool and those intense meetings like a pro. She discovered the power of coaching firsthand and now uses it with her team and colleagues as she had heard about coaching before and she had actually done a little bit of work. But you know when you work with me depending on what you need, we will Look at some leadership development stuff. And part of this particular lady’s blueprint for success bonds and happiness was to uplevel her leadership skills. And when we actually did some training and roleplay on us, you know, she really, really got it. But the real transformation came when she learned to be kinder to herself, she stopped putting so much pressure on herself to be perfect all the time and realize it’s okay to not have all the answers. After all, leadership is about asking questions to remember. So fast forward a few weeks after working with me, and she has now trimmed down her work hours to a much more manageable 40 hours, she realized that she didn’t need to be glued to her devices all day every day. And instead of reacting to constructive feedback, she learned to embrace it, looking for the good intentions behind it. And as for the tension at home, it all completely eased, and discussions became more constructive instead of confrontational. And here’s the best part. She told me she’s 100 times happier since working with me, she’s learned that every day she’s doing her best. And that’s what truly matters. And this makes my heart so full, because she has lifetime access to all the tools and strategies, resources and training I shared with her. So everything she needs, from mindset, to leadership, to career development, to productivity, to guest expert trainings, everything, I have a whole resource library that you get when you work with me. And I just love that knowing that she has lifetime access to that to support her now that we’re finished. So Olivia, if you’re listening today, you are incredible. Keep on shining. So that is it. For this week’s episode, I just wanted to share what’s possible for you, when you invest in yourself, when you stop putting everyone else first and start putting yourself first. Everything I’ve shared share today is more than possible for you too. And these stories are honestly just the tip of the iceberg. Whether you work with me as a private VIP one to one client, or in my group programs. When you put in the work and follow my lead, like transformation is inevitable. I am on a mission to empower 100,000 female leaders by 2027. With my work, I want you to reach your potential to make a bigger impact and to become the best version of you all without burning yourself out or missing out in life and having a little joy and fun along the way. And I’m doing this as I believe, I believe to my core that we are in the middle of a huge revolution, where women are rising. We’re no longer in a man’s world girls. But more women need to challenge the norms and prioritize themselves for change to truly happen. corporate greed needs to stop. And that all starts with you. There are younger women who look up to you right now. And 66% of them say that if more senior leaders had better balance, they’d want to progress. So I promise you, when you get laser focus on what you want, and become more certain in who you are, and learn tools and skills you’re missing to be more effective in your role. So
you stop focusing on time and you start focusing on results. That’s when you get that work life balance. So if you’re thinking, oh my god, Lucy, I want to work with you. Just reach out. I’m really friendly. I’m really normal. And I create a really, really safe confidential space. So you really don’t need to worry. I’m totally here for you. So again, I invite you if you are ready to put yourself first I invite you to apply to work with me. Just visit Lucy forward slash apply. I will link it below in the show notes or wherever you’re listening to this podcast on Apple, Spotify. Whatever platform it should be right there. Please apply I cannot wait to hear from you. Remember success, balance and happiness is possible. I am here for you. Can’t wait to hear from you soon. Take care. Bye
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