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How to Step Into Your Leadership Authority with Dr. Alessandra Wall

In this week’s episode, I sit down with Alessandra Wall, a former psychologist and executive coach specialising in guiding women in senior leadership roles.  Alessandra has spent the last 20 years helping exceptional executive women in high-stakes, industry-defining organisations be the elite leaders and happy humans they dreamed of becoming. Alessandra shares her journey into executive coaching, the importance of women in senior leadership positions, and practical advice on how to excel as a woman in senior leadership.  We talk about how to get more visible, the power of storytelling, and overcoming the fear of breaking outside the comfort zone…


Essential tips for leading neurodiverse teams with Tamzin Hall

A study by JPMorgan Chase found that their neurodiverse employees were 48% to 140% more productive in certain roles compared to their neurotypical peers. However, because of the misconceptions around neurodiversity, workplaces can often fail to see the value a neurodiverse person can bring to the team. Have you ever stopped to wonder if you are really leveraging and embracing neurodiversity within your team? Or maybe you’re unsure how to navigate this landscape. We know that inclusion is a massive buzzword at the moment, but it’s not just a buzzword. It’s something that we need to embody.  Neurodiverse teams are…


How to Be A More Influential Leader with Best-Selling Author Carla Miller

The capacity to influence others is a key attribute of any leader to get their peers on board with their vision and advance their ideas. However, effectively influencing sideways is a challenge that comes up time and time again with the women that I work with. If you are listening to this podcast then I have no doubt you are an ambitious woman who is deeply desiring to influence sideways while also building great relationships with your boss and getting that recognition you deserve! This episode is one that you don’t want to miss as I sit down with Carla…


Vision board to reality: How to actually achieve your most ambitious goals with Denise Kenny Byrne (The Head Plan)

Do you have ambitious goals in your head for what you want to achieve both professionally as a leader and in your personal life?  If you are listening to this podcast then I have no doubt that you are an ambitious woman with a ton of talents and are more than capable of achieving anything you desire. Many women I meet have these ambitious goals for themselves but often overlook one crucial step in setting their goals: writing them down and taking aligned action. Something I recommend to ALL my private clients and all my 3SIXTY leaders club members is…


3 Things I’ve Done to 10X my Overall Health & Wellbeing

Do you neglect your overall health and well being? If you’re a female in a leadership role and you have family commitments too, the answer is most likely YES. So many women that I work with struggle with putting themselves first and if I’m really honest – I do at times as well. A massive part of 3SIXTY Leaders club is about creating time for 360 degree of success  – and prioritizing health, nutrition and exercise are crucial.  A lot of women in leadership do struggle with tending to those areas which is why today I am delving into 3…


How to Show Up and Lead During Challenging Personal Times

Have you ever found yourself facing personal challenges that make showing up and leading at work feel nearly impossible? Whether it’s dealing with a sick loved one, financial stress, or other personal issues, balancing your responsibilities can be incredibly tough. As I sit down to record this episode, I’m right there with you, facing my own set of challenges. It’s a vulnerable moment for me, but I believe that sharing our experiences and strategies can help us all navigate these tough times together. In this week’s episode, I’m sharing the strategies I’m using to show up for my team and…


Influencing Up: Get Seen and Heard Using the Magnetic Influence Method

Are you tired of feeling like your ideas are falling on deaf ears? You want to be seen as a high performer who can lead effortlessly at a senior level  Someone who can bring people along with her vision and make a big impact and influence change.. But what do you do when people are just not listening? It can feel deflating, frustrating and even stressful.  I hear it a lot from women in leadership roles that they find it hard to be seen and heard in their companies which results in a lot of stress and frustration So based…


Executive Presence Part 1: The Key to Building More Gravitas

If there is one thing that I have learned over the years is that if you want to stand out in your career, you have GOT TO master the art of executive presence. Which is why I am so excited to share with you this EXCLUSIVE three -part mini training series all on executive presence.  The biggest mistake I see women leaders make is that they believe that by simply putting in the hours and working hard they will get the recognition they deserve. However, unfortunately,  this is simply not how it works. You have got to master the art…


Executive Presence Part 2: How to Become a Stellar Communicator

Welcome to part 2 of my mini training series on Executive Presence. There have been a lot of changes over the past decade when it comes to executive presence and being able to communicate with confidence is a key part of inspiring action within your team and building trust with key stakeholders. As I mentioned in part one of the training – which if you haven’t listened to yet I highly recommend you go back and listen – is that when it comes to gravitas and commanding a room, confidence is at the core of communicating effectively. And why is…




From leadership, to boundaries, mindset, career, and much much more, just search for a keyword to access a list of episodes and resources curated just for you.